Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:22 a.m. No.21706706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6717 >>6727 >>6733 >>6739 >>6745 >>6751 >>6759 >>6769 >>6779 >>6788 >>6796 >>6803 >>6815 >>6823 >>6833 >>6847 >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526

1/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued



>>21689501, >>21689518 Haitian Bridge Alliance, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Haiti Caucus


At least one of Haitian Bridge Alliance's board members has a really good thing going. Allen Orr is on the board of this 501(c)(3), also known asThe BRIDGE. The BRIDGE lobbies Congress to give special consideration to some immigrants and Orr has a law firm which helps those immigrants with immigration and employment issues. Job security is a thing?


Haitian Bridge Alliance - About Us

  • "We focus on the issues unique to Black migrants…".

  • "…endracistborder policies like theRemain in Mexico Policy,Title 42, and the border-to-prison-and-deportation pipeline."

  • "…expansion ofTPS protectionsfor more communities,DACA, and an overhaul of the asylum system that centers dignity and compassion…".

  • "…becauseimmigration is a Black issue."


Haitian Bridge Alliance - Board

Soraya Senosier

Dr. April Mayes

Deacon Roberta Wall

Sophie Dessources

Allen Orr(Howard University)

Genevieve Augustin

Wade McMullen (Howard University- supervising attorney for the Civil and Human Rights Clinic)


Orr Immigration



Orr Immigration - Firm

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:25 a.m. No.21706717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6732 >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


2/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


Haitian Bridge Alliance - Meet Our Co-Founder & Executive Director

Guerline Jozef

Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award


Haitian Bridge Alliance - Team

Meet the team

Guerline Jozef - Founder and Executive Director


Daniel Tse - Asylum coordinator and Co-Founder of the Cameroon advocacy network

Rochelle A Fortier Nwadibia - Managing attorney

Nicole Phillips - Legal Director

Erik Crew - Staff attorney

Daniel Tillias - Hotline Coordinator and Language Justice support

Dalencier Dalegrand - Community Center Manager

Charlotte Wiener - staff attorney

Jean Jeef Nelson - Humanitarian Administrator

Josianne Valsaint - Community Health worker

John Lazarre - Community organizer

Sandra Cherfrere - Senior Attorney

Paige Censale - digital and communications coordinator

Jovana Martín - Legal Assistant

Wen Decius - Legal Assistant

John McIntosh - Community Organizer


Haitian Bridge Alliance

Pic 1. Haitian Bridge Alliance

Pic 2.Immigration is a Black Issue

Pic 3. Dignity Has No Nationality


Haitian Bridge Alliance - Our Impact

“This news is a life changing victory for so many Cameroonian community members living every day in fear of deportation back to extremely dangerous conditions in Cameroon. We celebrate this win that is a direct result of our hard work and years of advocacy to defend and protect Black immigrants. However, protection should be for everyone, and we will continue to fight on behalf of our siblings from Mauritania, Ethiopia, and other countries deserving of protection. We thank Secretary Mayorkas and the Biden Haris administration for this announcement as we continue to advocate against the double standards within the immigration system.”


HBA and Our Partners Celebrate The Return Of Our 27 Cameroonian Asylum Seekers Who Were Harmed and Persecuted In Cameroon After Their Deportation In 2020.

July 18, 2024

-Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

  • Haitian Bridge Alliance (The Bridge)

  • Human Rights Watch

  • Cameroon Advocacy Network

  • Center for Constitutional Rights

  • Texas A&M University School of Law

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:28 a.m. No.21706727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


3/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


Haitian Bridge Alliance -Black Immigrant Bail Fund

"The Black Immigrants Bail Fund is a National project of the Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA) and the African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs (ABISA) with support of other Black-led organizations that provides free assistance and relief to Black immigrants in pursuit of Liberation and Justice. Our commitment is to eradicate the mass incarceration of Black immigrants and level the playing field of equity in due process; transforming one life at a time."

-African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs (ABISA)


Black Immigrants Bail Fund

  • Notice the link to donate toAct Blue


Black Immigrants Bail Fund - About Us


Black Immigrants Bail Fund - Our Mission


Black Immigrants Bail Fund - BIBF One Year Anniversary

  • "…was created on July 19, 2021 to combat theracism and unusual and cruel punishments faced by Black migrants."


Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:31 a.m. No.21706733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


4/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter -November 22, 2022- Re: Extend and Redesignate Haiti for Temporary Protected Status


Number 421, on this list, is called the Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:35 a.m. No.21706745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


6/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter -November 22, 2022- Re: Extend and Redesignate Haiti for Temporary Protected Status


The Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, andRitual(WATER)

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:37 a.m. No.21706751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


7/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter -March 26, 2024- Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations

  1. #WelcomeWithDignity

  2. 18 Million Rising

  3. AAPI New Jersey

  4. ABIA

  5. Acacia Center for Justice

  6. Access Living / Cambiando Vidas

  7. Adhikaar

  8. AFC

  9. Afghans For A Better Tomorrow

  10. AFL-CIO

  11. African Advocacy Network

  12. African Communities Together (ACT)

  13. African Services Committee

  14. AGERCA

  15. Al Otro Lado

  16. Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ACIJ)

  17. Alabama Latino AIDS Coalition

  18. Aldea - The People's Justice Center

  19. Alianza Americas

  20. Alternative Chance

  21. Amazing Grace Ministries of PBC

  22. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

  23. American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

  24. American Humanist Association

  25. American Immigration Lawyers Association

  26. American Jewish World Service

  27. Americans for Immigrant Justice

  28. America's Voice

  29. Amnesty International USA

  30. Angry Tias and Abuelas

  31. Arkansas United

  32. ArlingtOn PAR (Partners Against Racism)

  33. Armadillos Ni un Migrante Menos

  34. Ascentria Care Alliance

  35. Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC

  36. ASISTA

  37. Asociación de Guatemaltecos Sin Fronteras

  38. ASOSAL

  39. Association of Exchange and Development of Activities and Partnership, AEDAP

  40. Association of Haitian Women in Boston

  41. Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)

  42. AVAN Immigrant Services

  43. Ayuda

  44. Barali Foundation

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:40 a.m. No.21706759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


8/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter -March 26, 2024- Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Beauty is You

  2. Berkshire Immigrant Center

  3. Beyond Borders

  4. Black Alliance for Justice Immigration

  5. Black Humboldt

  6. Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP)

  7. Border Butterflies

  8. Borderlands Resource Initiative

  9. Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network


  11. Boston University School of Law Immigrants' Rights and Human Trafficking Program

  12. Brazilian Worker Center Inc

  13. Brooklyn Immigrant Community Support (BICS)

  14. Building Utopia Consulting

  15. California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice (CCIJ)

  16. California Immigrant Policy Center

  17. Capital Area Immigrants' Rights (CAIR) Coalition

  18. CAR/Chapter Haiti (Nou Egal)

  19. Carolina Migrant Network

  20. CASA

  21. Casa Mary Johanna

  22. Casa Yurumein

  23. Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston

  24. Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York

  25. Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

  26. Catholic Legal Services, Archdiocese of Miami

  27. Catholic Migration Services

  28. Catholic Social Services-Immigration Legal Services

  29. CCIHC

  30. Center for Constitutional Rights

  31. Center for Democracy in the Americas

  32. Center for Freethought Equality

  33. Center for Gender & Refugee Studies

  34. Center for Immigrant Progress

  35. Center for Immigration Law and Policy, UCLA School of Law

  36. Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

  37. Center for New Americans

  38. Center for Popular Democracy

  39. Center for Safety & Change

  40. Central American Black Organization

  41. Central American Refugee Center

  42. Central American Resource Center of Northern California -CARECEN SF

  43. Central West Justice Center


Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:43 a.m. No.21706769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


9/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Centro Comunitario CEUS

  2. Centro Presente

  3. Centro Romero

  4. Centro San Bonifacio

  5. CFHI

  6. Charnette Frederic Civic Association

  7. Chesapeake Climate Action Network

  8. Children's Law Center of Massachusetts

  9. Church World Service

  10. CIELO

  11. Ciudadania Oregon

  12. Clemency Coalition of New York

  13. Climate Refugees

  14. Coalición de Derechos Humanos

  15. Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)

  16. Co-Counsel NYC

  17. Colectivo de Desarrollo Transnacional de Michoacán

  18. Colectivo de Mujeres Transnacionales

  19. Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition

  20. Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP)

  21. Community Changemakers

  22. Community for Children, Inc.

  23. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces

  24. COPAL Minnesota

  25. Corazón Arizona

  26. Cornell Asylum Appeals Clinic

  27. Cornell Immigration Law & Advocacy Clinic

  28. Council on American-Islamic Relations, California

  29. Creative Exchanges Initiative

  30. CRECEN

  31. Crescendo

  32. CRLN

  33. Dalmacy Law, PLLC

  34. Decarcerate Memphis

  35. Detention Watch Network

  36. Diaspora Community Service

  37. Diaspora Hondurena Internacional

  38. Dice Home Improvements

  39. Dignidad/The Right to Immigration Institute

  40. DIRE

  41. Disciples Home Mission

  42. Dominican Development Center

  43. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Washington DC

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:45 a.m. No.21706779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


10/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. DOVE, Inc.

  2. DRUM - Desis Rising Up & Moving

  3. DuPont Youth

  4. Durango Unido

  5. East Boston Community Council

  6. ECDC

  7. Emmaus community

  8. English for New Bostonians

  9. Enlace Chicago

  10. EqualHealth´s Campaign Against Racism

  11. Estrella del Paso (Formerly DMRS)

  12. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  13. Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)

  14. Faith in Action

  15. Faith in Action International

  16. Faith in Action Nevada

  17. Faith in New Jersey

  18. Faith in New York


  20. Familias Unidas en Acción

  21. Families For Freedom

  22. Family Action Network Movement

  23. FEA Foundation Ministries

  24. FIAEB- HopeForHaiti:Education- HHE

  25. FIAEB-St. Columba

  26. First Friends of New Jersey & New York

  27. Flanbwayan Haitian Literacy Project

  28. Flint Rising

  29. Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project

  30. Florida Immigrant Coalition

  31. Florida Rising

  32. Florida Student Power

  33. Fondasyon Mapou

  34. Fondation Pain d'Espoir

  35. Food Justice DMV

  36. Fordham Law School Feerick Center for Social Justice

  37. Franciscan Action Network

  38. Free Migration Project

  39. Freedom for Immigrants

  40. Friends Committee on National Legislation

  41. Friends of Farmworkers, Inc. dba Justice at Work

  42. Friends of Matènwa Inc.

  43. Fundación Código Humano

  44. Fundación Cónclave Investigativo de las Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:47 a.m. No.21706788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


11/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued


  1. Gender Action

  2. Georgia Haitian Leadership Coalition

  3. Global Justice Clinic at Western New England University School of Law

  4. Global Justice Clinic, NYU School of Law

  5. Global Refuge

  6. GOALS Haiti

  7. Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)

  8. Groupe d’Appui au Développement et à la Démocratie (GRADE)

  9. Grupo de Apoyo e Integracion Hispanoamericano

  10. Haïti Global Connection

  11. Haiti H2O: Hope to Opportunity

  12. Haiti Moving Forward

  13. Haiti Partners

  14. Haiti Policy House

  15. Haiti Renewal Alliance

  16. Haiti Solidarity Network of the North East

  17. Haitian - Americans United, Inc. (H.A.U.)

  18. Haitian American Lawyer Association of DC, Maryland, and Virginia

  19. Haitian Americans United For Progress, Inc.



  22. Haitian Evangelical Clergy of Georgia

  23. Haitian Neighborhood Center,Sant La Inc.

  24. Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees

  25. Haitian-American United For Change

  26. Haiti-Jamaica Society

  27. Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program

  28. Hawaiʻi Institute for Human Rights

  29. H-CAN Immigration & Refugees Action Group

  30. H-CANN

  31. HeArt House

  32. Heartland Workers Center

  33. Her Many Voices

  34. HIAS Pennsylvania

  35. Hondurans Against AIDS

  36. Hope Border Institute

  37. Hope CommUnity Center

  38. HOPE Ministries of Georgia inc

  39. Houston America For All

  40. HPUMC

  41. Human Rights First

  42. Human Rights Watch

  43. IFSI-USA

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:49 a.m. No.21706796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


12/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

  2. Illinois Workers Action

  3. Immigrant ARC

  4. Immigrant Children Advocates' Relief Effort (ICARE)

  5. Immigrant Defenders Law Center

  6. Immigrant Justice Clinic University of Wisconsin Law School

  7. Immigrant Justice Network

  8. Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project

  9. Immigrant Legal Defense

  10. Immigrant Legal Resource Center

  11. Immigrants Act Now

  12. Immigrants Rising

  13. Immigration Advocacy & Research Group, Inc.

  14. Immigration Clinic, University of Miami School of Law

  15. Immigration Equality

  16. Immigration Hub

  17. Immigration Law & Justice of the Delaware Valley

  18. Innovation Law Lab

  19. Institute for Gender and Development Studies

  20. Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti

  21. Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA)

  22. Interfaith Welcome Coalition of San Antonio, Texas

  23. International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers

  24. International Institute of New England

  25. International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)

  26. International Union of Painters and Allied Trades

  27. InterReligious Task Force on Central America

  28. IWC San Antonio

  29. J. Hospedales Law Firm PLLC

  30. Jamaica Haiti Network

  31. Jamaicans for Haitian Refugees

  32. Jane Doe Inc. (JDI) The Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

  33. Jerusalem Adventist Church of Silver Spring

  34. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA

  35. Jewish Family Service of San Diego

  36. Just Neighbors

  37. Justice Action Center

  38. Justice and Advocacy Ministries at Disciples Home Missions

  39. Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts

  40. Justice in Motion

  41. Kids in Need of Defense

  42. Komite Ayiti,Inc

  43. Konbit for Haiti

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:51 a.m. No.21706803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


13/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. La Colaborativa

  2. La Mesa Boricua de Florida

  3. La Resistencia

  4. Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center

  5. Latin America Working Group

  6. Latinas en Poder

  7. Latino Commission on AIDS

  8. Latino Policy Forum

  9. LatinoJustice PRLDEF

  10. Latinos Progresando

  11. Laundry Workers Center

  12. Laundry, Distribution & Food Service Joint Board, Workers United/SEIU

  13. Lawyers for Good Government

  14. Li Li Li Read

  15. Lila LGBTQ, Inc.

  16. Living Hope Wheelchair Association

  17. Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention

  18. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic

  19. Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania

  20. Lutheran Social Services of New York

  21. Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA)

  22. Make the Road Nevada

  23. Make the Road New York

  24. Margarida Alves Collective, Brazil

  25. Marianist Social Justice Immigration Team

  26. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

  27. Mass General Brigham

  28. Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

  29. Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

  30. Maverick Landing Community Services (MLCS)

  31. Medical Mission Sisters, Justice Office

  32. Memphis United Methodist conference immigrant Relief Fund

  33. Memphis Voices for Palestine

  34. Mennonite Central Committee U.S.

  35. MetroWest Legal Services

  36. Miami Workers Center

  37. Migrant, Immigrant & Refugee Rights Alliance (MIRR Alliance)

  38. Mijente

  39. Mission Guatemala USA

  40. Mobile Pathways

  41. MomsRising/MamásConPoder

  42. Montgomery County Government

  43. Mount Sinai Hospital

  44. MPower Change

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:54 a.m. No.21706815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


14/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Mundo Maya Foundation

  2. Muslim Advocates

  3. Muslim Power Building Project

  4. Nasam LLC

  5. National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

  6. National Council of Churches

  7. National Council of Jewish Women

  8. National Domestic Workers Alliance

  9. National Employment Law Project

  10. National Immigrant Justice Center

  11. National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

  12. National Immigration Project (NIPNLG)

  13. National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)

  14. National Lawyers Guild-SF Bay Area chapter

  15. National Lawyers Guild-Task Force on the Americas

  16. National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund

  17. National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)

  18. National Partnership for New Americans

  19. National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants and Migrants (University of Minnesota)


  21. Neighbors Link

  22. NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

  23. New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice

  24. New Jersey Forum for Human Rights

  25. New Jersey Peace Action

  26. New Mexico Immigrant Law Center

  27. New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia

  28. New York Immigration Coalition

  29. New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)

  30. Nicaragua Center for Community Action

  31. NISGUA

  32. NM Comunidades en Accion y de Fe

  33. Northeast Justice Center

  34. Northern New Jersey Sanctuary Coalition

  35. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

  36. Nou Hope

  37. Nunlai Research & Consulting

  38. NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic of Washington Square Legal Services

  39. Oasis Legal Services

  40. Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth

  41. Ohio Immigrant Alliance

  42. Orange County Equality Coalition

  43. Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.21706823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


15/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Our Voice Nuestra Voz

  2. PACT

  3. Pangea Legal Services

  4. Partners for Our Communities

  5. Partners In Health

  6. Partners In Progress

  7. Partners with Haiti, Member

  8. Pathway for Immigrant Workers

  9. Pax Christi Florida

  10. Pax Christi Illinois

  11. Pax Christi New Jersey

  12. Pax Christi Young Adult Caucus

  13. Pennsylvania Immigrant and Citizenship Coalition

  14. Presbyterian Church (USA)


  16. Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

  17. Project ANAR

  18. Project Lifeline

  19. Project Literacy

  20. Promise Family Pantry

  21. Prophetic Resistance Boston

  22. Public Counsel

  23. Public Law Center

  24. Quixote Center

  25. Radio Soleil

  26. RCMA

  27. REACHUP inc

  28. Reconciliation Ministry Without Walls

  29. Red de Pueblos Transnacionales

  30. Red Mexicana de Líderes y Organizaciones de Migrantes

  31. Refugee Congress

  32. Refugee Council USA

  33. Refugee Health Alliance

  34. Refugees International

  35. Rêve Et Action

  36. Revive Your Soul Ministries Inc

  37. Rian Immigrant Center

  38. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

  39. Rockland Immigration Coalition

  40. Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network

  41. Rosie's Place

  42. Rural Women Health Project

  43. Safe Harbor Clinic, Brooklyn Law School

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 5:59 a.m. No.21706833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


16/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued

  1. Santa Clara University - International Human Rights Clinic

  2. Savesouls INC

  3. School Sisters of Notre Dame-Atlantic-Midwest Province

  4. Seeds of Resistance

  5. SEIRN

  6. Sèm Se Mwen

  7. Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

  8. Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network

  9. Sinchi Foundation

  10. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team

  11. Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston

  12. SMOC

  13. Social Workers for Immigration Justice

  14. Solidarity Engineering

  15. Southeast Asian Defense Project

  16. Spanish Community Center

  17. SPID Theatre (UK diaspora)

  18. SPLC Action Fund

  19. Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice

  20. Suffolk Law Clinic Programs, Immigrant Justice Clinic

  21. Summits Education

  22. TakeRoot Justice

  23. Task Force on the Americas

  24. Telpochacalli Community Education Project

  25. Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition

  26. Texas Civil Rights Project

  27. The Advocates for Human Rights

  28. The Door

  29. The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida's Justice commission

  30. The G.A.P. Gels and Gyz Human Rights Consortium

  31. The Georgia Haitian Leadership Coalition

  32. The Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York

  33. The Haitian Roundtable

  34. The Legal Aid Society (NYC)

  35. The Legal Project

  36. The Mami Chelo Foundation, INC

  37. The National Haitian American Elected Officials Network(NHAEON

  38. The National Network for Arab Americans Communities (NNAAC)

  39. The Reformed Church of Highland Park

  40. The Rhizome Center for Migrants

  41. The United Methodist Church — General Board of Church and Society

  42. Ti Ayiti Preparedness And Relief Institution



  45. Transformations CDC

Anonymous ID: 00b1a2 Oct. 4, 2024, 6:01 a.m. No.21706847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526


17/17Haitian Bridge Alliance, continued


TPS for Haiti Letter - March 26, 2024 - Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:


Signatory Organizations - Continued


  2. Tsuru for Solidarity

  3. Twin Audio Network

  4. U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

  5. UC Davis Immigration Law Clinic

  6. UMass Memorial Health

  7. UndocuBlack Network


  9. UnidosUS

  10. Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice

  11. United African Organization

  12. United Church of Christ

  13. United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW)

  14. United for a Fair Economy

  15. United We Dream

  16. University of Miami School of Law Human Rights Clinic

  17. Unlocking Communities

  18. VECINA

  19. Vecindarios 901

  20. Venezuelan American Caucus

  21. VietRISE

  22. Voces de la Frontera

  23. Voto Latino

  24. Washington Defender Association

  25. Washington Office on Latin America

  26. Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group

  27. We Are All America (WAAA)

  28. WeCount!

  29. Wellness for Our Future

  30. Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club

  31. Win Without War

  32. WIN!

  33. Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center

  34. Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice

  35. Witness Against Torture

  36. Witness at the Border

  37. Women of Faith & Empowerment Ministry

  38. Women Working Together U.S.A

  39. Women's All Points Bulletin WAPB

  40. Women's Refugee Commission

  41. Women's Resource and Outreach Centre

  42. Woods Law Group, P.C.

  43. Working Families United

  44. Wynne Farm Ecological Reserve

  45. Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights