Anonymous ID: 661e7e Oct. 4, 2024, 6 a.m. No.21706839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6991 >>7217 >>7394 >>7526








Head of pension fund in Ukrainian region arrested for selling fake medical certificates to draft dodgers


The head of the Pension Fund in Ukraine’s Khmelnytsky region and his mother, who leads the Regional Center for Medical and Social Expertise, were arrested for profiting from fake medical certificates issued to draft dodgers.


Local media reports that around $6 million was discovered during searches of their home and office.


When authorities arrived, the mother attempted to dispose of evidence, throwing two bags containing $500,000 in cash out of a window. Both are now in custody as the investigation continues.


The spin-cycle continues…

Anonymous ID: 661e7e Oct. 4, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21707155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7170 >>7171

Jan Sobieski








Exposing Democrat cheating now gets you 9 years in prison. Meanwhile, zero jail time for Democrats who:


-staged and funded the criminal invasion of our country


-tried to get Supreme Court Justices assassinated


-arrested their opponents & staged partisan show trials


-framed a sitting president for treason to overthrow Election 2016


-demanded military coups, called for assassinations, declared secession, & staged mock executions


-firebombed anti-abortion groups, courthouses, & police stations


-targeted parents as domestic terrorists for protesting racist & anti-science gender indoctrination


-pulled fire alarms to disrupt and alter Congressional votes


-protect voter fraud from literally every single kind of reform


-called on citizens to harass, assault, & terrorize their opponents


-blatantly stole the 2020 election, goaded outraged voters into "rioting," & endlessly persecuted them


-doxed their opponents & threatened to rape, strangle, & murder them


-raided capitals & stormed government buildings to attack democracy


-insist on stacking the Supreme Court to make elections irrelevant


-constantly threaten to gulag and "re-educate" their opponents


-lied to impeach a president to overthrow Election 2016


-colluded with corporations to censor & silence their opponents right before Election 2020


-rioted, looted, & burned down cities to terrorize dissent over a lie


-raided their opponents' lawyers over things they knew were fake


-scaremongered an ordinary 99+% survival rate coronavirus into the Apocalypse to force through


-forced mail-in voting & quasi-martial law for everyone but Democrat terrorists & politicians


-protected and bailed out domestic terrorists while torturing & persecuting their opponents


-used the IRS, EPA, FBI, & DOJ to endlessly target & discriminate against their opponents


-illegally spied, seized media phone records, & silenced journalists


-illegally changed election laws on a whim without legislatures as required under the Constitution


-colluded with the media and Big Tech to suppress the bombshell Hunter laptop scandal, which singlehandedly changed the outcome of the election


-incited and murdered peaceful J6 protesters into becoming violent


-aided, funded, and cheered on violent BLM and Antifa insurrectionists


-used Bleachbit and hammers to destroy evidence of high treason after it was subpoenaed


-ignored subpoenas in general


-mass murdered citizens by deliberately lying about every part of COVID


-looted America into bankruptcy laundering money through Ukraine


-openly got rich off of criminal insider trading


-pulled fire alarms to obstruct official Congressional proceedings


-dominated Epstein's entire client list


-knowingly accepted the most flagrantly illegal campaign donations in history (Obama)


-illegally stormed the Capitol to terrorize public officials and smear Kavanaugh as a gang rapist


-lawlessly persecuted their opponents for trivial non-crimes and offenses only Democrats actually committed