Anonymous ID: 4d2c8d Oct. 4, 2024, 6:17 p.m. No.21710646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0680



Assassination comms by Lincoln Project?




chek the handshake on the space force man?


>>21709959 lb

>>21708784 pb

Assassination comms by Lincoln Project?

>>21710039 lb



Didn't Kerry threaten Trump recently; a not so veiled threat?

Kerry told a foreign leader Trump would be gone at the end of the first year.

So one can assume Kerry's behind at least some of the attempts on DJT's life?

Wonder if the katsup bottle refers to Kerry?


Isn't Lincoln Project full of neo con gay men? And neo-con connects with Leo Strauss of the U. of Chicago, who is felt to be, by some ex-close friend, to be a NAZI sympthizer, (even though as a Jew he had to escape from Adolf and Europe). Some who knew him before and after thought he had secretly kept that ideology. He taught a kind of "Janus" Roman philosophy, so it is said by a student who watched their group closely. There's on face/ truth for the inner circle and another for the public. This is done in order to achieve the goal of the inner group.


Kerry's first wife was heiress to the Heinz catsup fortune who died in an air crash. picrel