I know it's Friday night (I think) and all anons, but I have hit Rock-Fucking-Bottom.I don't mean to bum y'all out but I need to get this off my chest.
I got arrested last night while just sitting in my own home minding my own fucking business when, as I was headed upstairs to my own bedroom, I felt some MFer grabbing me and wrapping his arms around my chest. It was a deputy. When I realized that, for whatever fucking reason there was a deputy accosting me in my own home, I tried to enter my bedroom so I could put on some clothes as I was in my PJs at the time and I KNEW I was probably going to jail (which I did). Someone had locked my fucking bedroom door and I couldn't get in there. Naturally, they charged me with resisting arrest, which I did as i wasn't even aware of what was going on in the heat of the moment (yes, I was drunk), but then they charged me with assaulting a public official, which I absolutely didn't do. Either way, they assaulted me pretty good and wouldn't even let me put on some regular clothes or shoes. Then, when they released me n my own promise to appear, I had to walk over 5 miles back to my house, barefooted and in my PJs. I'm all kinds of fucked up today because of what they did to me, including an illegal choke hold.