Anon, my heart goes out to you. Is it possible to negotiate with your wife for a time out, before the horror of divorce? Sometimes we just need a time out.
Ah, anon. You need to stay strong, write down everything you can remember to defend yourself should she try to discredit your existence. Divorces under the 'heat' can be nasty. Protect yourself, yet protect your memories as well. Record all the god times, as well as the bad.
Be prepared. Sending love and power to persevere!
>I know you don't know me, but I'm being 💯 honest
You are sharing a horrifying experience, here, and must be taken seriously. This I understand and take very seriously. We are all here for a reason, even if it just for support. Know you are loved, anon. Very much.
Ok….I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you just did here! Great job!
You need to STOP celebrating his abuse, and HIGHLIGHT his resilience!
Can there be a board set up for support for Justin Beiber? Drop notes of encouragement and support| I don't know that Justin lurks here, but it could be brought to his attention. Just asking, thinking…
strategic post there….