I like gowdy, don't get me wrong. Its just that he usually just talks a great game and nothing comes of it. (Love watching him smack down people though, damn he is good at it.)
Got a higher quality of the first pic? Its a bit blurry and I want to share it! its topkek
This anti-gowdy shilling is shifting my stance you know. and not in the way you want. You shills seem afraid of Gowdy, Maybe he is /ourguy/
Thats why I always end up coming back here, it isn't the plan, it isnt q, it is the anons themselves. I love you guys(No homo) and you always leave my day that much brighter. :)
Good theory!
I'd like to know more about the natural mechanisms for this. but I think anon means man made.
One thing I've noticed anons, is that the plants ARE BOOMING this year! Besides a bit of drought that is. However all of my plants have been reacting bigly to the sun (more noticeable this year than previous years) I honestly believe we're on the verge of a GOLDEN AGE. :)
My luck is so bad it makes lucky people that much luckier when i'm around. It likes to rub it in, so i wouldn't worry anon.
Thanks! I'll look into it because it sounds real interesting(I like science but I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay behind on shit these days), but indeed; lets get back on target.