Thank you Baker.
← A little something for your efforts.
Thank you Baker.
← A little something for your efforts.
Thank you Baker.
>Gowdy never gets anything done except act like a trial lawyer in committee.
And Gowdy also has a history of praising James Comey and Herr Mueller.
Gowdy supported lil Marco Rubio in 2016, remember … vocally supported him.
That's a yuuuge red flag. Lil Marco is badly compromised.
Maybe Gowdy is as well?
Now he's meeting with Rat Rosencunt?
>How can you NOT see the plan yet?
You can't see it either, anon.
Healthy skepticism is important.
Even Q tells us to trust nobody.
Other than Q's cryptic hints that so far have led to no concrete justice being served, all we have is what we hear and see from gummint cunts.
From that it's very easy to conclude who are the corrupt assholes still infesting our government.
If you have it all figured out, that's great.
The rest of us will continue to use our common sense and question everything and everyone''.
Some of us are not shills.
We're just looking at Gowdy with a critical eye.
Big mouth, no action,
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill."
Don't argue with facts in favor of Gowdy, who very clearly has been a big mouth useless DC committee chairman for 8 years.
Just use one quote from Q, who also said to trust nobody.
Fucking cultist sheep mentality. No wonder we have so many problems with corruption.
>he's clearly been forced out.
This is a big tell in my book.
Young guy. Only been in DC for <8 years. Already committee chairman.
Now he wants to leave the cushy perks of congressional leadership?
He's dirty and has been given an offer he couldn't refuse.
Q/Trump calling him a Patriot allows him to save face for resigning. 'Art of the Deal'
"Build a golden bridge over which your enemy may retreat."