Q !CbboFOtcZs Sun 01 Jul 2018 11:03:33 35b53c No.1983801
Make no mistake-
Rep Gowdy is a Patriot.
Consider the Strzok hearing and how it affected public perception of the man. Before the hearing he was Joe Friday. Afterwards he is retarded gay Dracula.
The same thing happened with RR.
POTUS and Q have to go the slow route because they first must turn the public against (((them))), or at least lay the ground-word in the back of the public's minds. They can't just go charging in and start arresting household names. The MSM will brand it as an act of a tyrant; and the public will believe them. A large part of baiting (((them))) into generating such wonderful B-roll for the news media to cut to when the bad news starts breaking is making them think they are winning. They need to look smug and arrogant before the cameras. Gowdy is playing his part exactly as he should be playing it.
This not how you would likely plan it. But you are not President.
I was talking about the public perception of him. The average normie doesn't know anything about him. So that just default to the fine upstanding character that FBI agents are usually assumed to be.
Now they know differently. This would not have happened if it had been played the way most around here want things to be done. There are a dozen more Obama officials who will get the same treatment. And they need to think they are winning and going to get way with it so they will act the same smug way. We wont see any signs of Winning until they have all had a chance to publicly testify. POTUS/Q needs to change the public's perception of them. Then the hammer will drop. Be patent.
You're right. You and I know he never was Joe Friday. But it's a matter of public perception. The MSM can no longer defend him when the only image of the guy, other than that official portrait that we've seen a thousand times, is the footage of the hearing before Congress.
The 6:00 news is all about the B-roll, that stock footage they cut to to follow the spoken message. When they finally have to report on Strzok getting arrested what image if him will the news producers splash on the screen now?
It naturally precesses like a top on very long time scales. But sudden dramatic shifts causing the Earth's axis to not point at Polaris? No. There is way too much momentum.
From the 1990 Georgetown yearbook.
He is not pictured. But, interestingly, he's listed as "Peter Strzok II".
I've never seen his name with a 'Jr' suffix.