Armed and ready, fren.
Filter the muh gowdy shills for maximum comfy, they came out in droves today for some odd fuck reason, and shit's weak.
Comped with pedo shit and being a Patriot? Are you retarded?
You're a trooper, fren. ThanQ for your dedication.
Kek. It must suck to be a night shift shill, they're not dealing with any regular anons, they're dealing with those who would give up sleep to research through the night. They're also stupid as fuck and tend to propel us in the same and (right) position we've already been on.
He has been wrong, once. He said we'd be tired of winning. So far I'm not feeling one bit fatigued.
We're here, the gowdy shills are out, and some anons are just chatting until the summit in approx 1hrs and 45mins. That's when we can potentially start digging into new material.
It's also a slow night being that it's Monday and workfags need sleep. Get comfy and let's see what the summit brings us.