yur 'it'
Proclaimed to be "the oldest in existence," Tom Bombadil was apparently immortal and possesses a range of enigmatic powers able to give full control over his domains, seen by Goldberry that described Tom as being "Master of wood, water and hill". He was also referenced as being impossible to capture or imprison. Tom's greatest revealed power was in his singing. With song he exercised authority over Old Man Willow and the supernatural Barrow-wights. Also despite seeming to be a rather whimsical and nonsensical being, he was well known to many powerful beings in Middle-earth, including Elrond and Gandalf, and he could be serious if the need arose.
At the Council, Galdor suggests that Bombadil would be unable to withstand a siege by Sauron "unless such power is in the earth itself", implying that the character may be a manifestation of Middle-earth's inherent properties. This connection would explain Bombadil's seeming obliviousness to the transient concerns of mortals, as evidenced in Gandalf's concern that Tom would not understand the importance of the Ring and would lose it if entrusted with it. >>21713734
>may or may not be coincidental.
how walrus got a imaginary fren in sequel
> imaginary fren in sequel
> imaginary fren in sequel
>>may or may not be coincidental.
carrot tops maak carrot juuuuuws
i dont think that firemans hose can fit in john gutterez butthol tho
jesus wuz a bean countur
an framed bob
for chucky cheese
scorchin church
see if he needs to park a corvette joke at yur house for his BOFO problems