You have not been here long enough I guess.
I run this motherfucker
No one will ever do this again
All of the videos of "FEMA" neglect and looting and barricades and confiscation,
are videos of people telling you about the FEMA neglect and looting and barricades and confiscation
That is all
Why would a group of online influencers post a bunch of inflammatory content meant to get God fearing Trump supporters to get agitated and organize a resistance against FEMA?
What purpose could that possibly serve?
Maybe, martial law is the goal.
Maybe they want some good old boys to ambush a couple of FEMA reps going door to door and make an example of them.
Yep, after hearing all these horror stories ABOUT horror stories, (Pause and read that last sentence again) I might be willing to grab the trusty Mossberg and join up with Jeb next door and git me sum justisssssssss
That is what they want. Stop being fucking stupid.