Projection and gaslighting as always intended. Speaking on behalf of an entire country trying to gaslight Anons that hate famefaggot shills (as they always have and will) and using patriotism as a deflection. Too easy to see through and destroy. A narcissist famefaggot shill does not represent an entire country. You keep failing spectacularly every time you try to gaslight with this.
The deep state gaslighting famefaggot shills are triggered and taking all the bait. Just as usual.
God bless America.
Famefaggot shills can KYS.
Remember this Q Post? Now which namefaggot famefaggot avatarfaggot personafaggot shills don't qualify as "Anon" according to Q.
Every time a famefaggot narcissist gaslighting fake patriot shill replies to my post and I ignore them, I win
I just can't stop winning.
They just can't stop replying and losing because I'm rent free
100% confirmed
They are just pissed that their deep state catturd copycat gatekeeper psyop failed to a handful of Anons. Must really make them seethe. I love watching them fall back on their final last desperate projection that any opposition to the famefag shill hates America because it relentlessly spams an annoying catch phrase to hide behind.
The narcissist shills are triggered taking all the bait and reverting to their repetitious final desperate projection as usual
God bless America
They are so triggered and seething RN
I win
I wonder how many millions they spend creating their little deep state board personas in a think tank, only to be destroyed by a handful of Anons
Now that's God bless America
God bless America
Deep state famefaggot board personality shills can eat shit and die in a fire
He chyknee
He obsessed with smol penis
They were Mimics
This is tru
Pig is 100% pure evil, lives to engage in negativity. can see that by all its replies. Nothing positive. Nothing contributed.
God bless America