>Under GOD’s leadership, NCSWIC.
Changed to carnivore three months ago. First two weeks was sleeping only 3 hours a night. But it regulated itself again. Now, I sleep well again! You need sleep.
Different story, stopped smoking and stopped smoking weed a week ago. A little tired a t the moment after smoking weed for decades like a boss! But the body will regulate that too, soon!
Stay healthy you all!
It already startet my friend! It´s amazing!
>For archiving offline
I would say archive this whole series! The 43 hours are worth the listen.
KJP´s face looks more swollen. Bitch seeks solace with Alcohol?
Back in the day, I was one of them! You have to sleep first to be able to wake up at all! But now there will be no great awakening for them it will be a…