Anonymous ID: d50a2a Oct. 6, 2024, 10:14 a.m. No.21720049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345 >>0465

Good Morning


I just wanted to share this and recognize President Trumps leadership.


Im reading a book about George Washingtons crossing of the Deleware. It chronicles his times from the beggining of the war until after (I imagine as im not done reading it)


General Washington had the task of commanding groups of soldiers from different states. States who had different hierarchy and doctrine. Some states whos soldiers elected their own military officers. Some of these militias were very hard to control and sometimes disobedient - but General Washington understood they were extremely devoted to the cause. Some militias had African American soldiers integrated. This caused a few problems as other militias resisted the idea of fighting alongside African Americans. General Washington had the responsibility of holding all these men from different parts of the country (each with their own distinct culture) together and keeping morale high. Many states did not agree with capital punishment. General Washington had to respect these values of other states militias if he wanted them to fight with him. So discipline was not exactly the easiest for the General. One time a huge brawl from out with soldiers from different states. General Washington ran into the center of the melee, grabbed the 2 men who started it by the neck, held them streched out at arms length and verbally ripped them a new asshole telling them to stop fighting. As all the lower ranking soldiers and officers witness their top General do this, they all ran and disappeared. The brawl was over.


I see some parralels with President Trump. I heard an interview recently where it was said is like a Captain of a pirate ship. How do you control it when you have some wild pirates from all walks of life? Trump said well they all wamt to go home. But it reminds me of POTUS and the anons (and everybody to a certain degree). As for the anons, we have been entrusted with intel and given a role in the great awakening. We have been given brief instructions but besides that it has been left to us as to how we execute Qs intent.


I have heard the special forces refered to as the wild lions in the cage. You get to the battlefied and open the gate. You dont want to tame the lions because you want their (controlled and trained) wildness against the enemy.


I recognize all these things Ive mentioned in President Trump. The weight on his shoulders, the split second decision making, the trust he gives to people responsible for certain missions, all while keeping it cool and letting know through his body language, ect. that everything is under control. Its just something I really admire about him. He is really special.