you know, as i was sitting here without power for days during this storm, i was saying to famanons i bet there's some dickheads out there saying these were weather weapons
lo and behold they are
you know, as i was sitting here without power for days during this storm, i was saying to famanons i bet there's some dickheads out there saying these were weather weapons
lo and behold they are
you haven't lived the course of the ever-changing planet's cycles which take thousands of years to undergo therefore you or i don't know for sure what nature actually does in the grand scheme
so shove your self righteous self-sucking straight up your ass
and no business i have depends on your sorry ass that's for damn sure
they can cloud seed and mess with high altitude frequencies to create storms but as far as steering one, that's fucking brain falling out of ass retard shit
^this shit right here is why you're laughed at
these fucking idiots actually believe you can steer hurricanes that are HUNDREDS OF MILES WIDE with…frequencies
>round 2
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