Free Speech is a Cork in the Bottle of Tyranny & Total Control
That is why Free Speech is under Attack around the world
Free Speech is the new Ivermectin
Free Speech is a Cork in the Bottle of Tyranny & Total Control
That is why Free Speech is under Attack around the world
Free Speech is the new Ivermectin
The First Amendment is Blocking our attempts for Total Power & Control
''Sub Translation:''
American Laws have to be abolished if we want to enslave the population
''Sub Sub Translation:''
Questioning the Gov, Authority or the Elite must be made punishable by Jail and/or Death
The[y] will be using the Disaster as a Spring Board to Criminalize "Misinformation"
The[y] laid the ground work in 2020-23
The Elite are Through with our God Given Rights & Freedoms
What Uniform do they Wear?
What Flag do they Fly?
What color are their Boots?
Can you tell me who the enemy is?
& I'm Pleased to let you all know
It's not the Jews