Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21721258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1267 >>1314

>>21721205 pb

>You want them all dead and gone "to Europe." You have no intent of living peacably with them.

>We understand.


And so, I think, do they. Which is why they do what they do. Things like "elect Hamas", as you say. Their "cardinal sin", to you.


>>21721222 pb

>And once you're done with them, you'll move onto the next group. And then the next.

And I think we're already seeing that take place around the world.

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:18 p.m. No.21721443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Roots Of The UK Implosion And Why War Is Inevitable


I always knew that Brexit was a fight between UK elites beholden to Davos, the same folks that overthrew Margaret Thatcher in the 1990s, and the people themselves, backed by what I’m now calling The British Remnant. This group is easy to understand, they are the group still clinging to the glory of an Empire lost and will graft themselves to whoever they have more influence with.


Neither of these groups love their native population, just to be clear. But the Remnant loves to invoke past glory to keep “Little Britain” still thinking someone cares about them. There are no good guys in this however, only villains and victims.


The heroes are few and far between. The people of the UK are victims. Their governments have been the villains. But the question always arises, is there a bigger villain?


To me that answer is yes, the EU. And I say that knowing that their desire to do away with the British Remnant is an unqualified good thing. It dovetails with what I would like to see. But I also say that knowing that those who are trying to replace the Remnant on the world stage are even worse, especially because a good portion of that British Remnant will happily cut a deal with the EU to advance its long-held agenda of global control if the US is successfully color revolution’d into splitting up.


Divide and rule. It is the prime strategic ploy of abusers, narcissists and villains. Triangulate two factions into fighting each other while you sidle up to both of them. It’s worked brilliantly for the British and their allies for hundreds of years.


So, there are a lot of mixed feelings in laying out these scenarios. Because someone is going to wriggle off the hook if things work out for the best, defined as the US surviving in its current 50-state form, the BRICS alliance forming up to unify Asia, and the post-WWII institutional order, including the old monetary system, is destroyed.


To be blunt, I give that outcome something like a 5-10% probability.


Some form of the British Remnant or the EU will survive this. Globalism will not die, but it can be weakened severely and set on a different path, one not quite so sinister. So, for today’s post I’m going to reframe my comments from that perspective, seeing the UK as a victim, trapped by their proximity and relationships with the EU.

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.21721482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>exposed by the release of John Podesta's emails by WikiLeaks

I don't think so.

Someone discovered their insta and showed the links.

I don't know who that was

But the direct comet link was not huge in the emails. It was there but not a big deal.


It was alefantis own insta that was the big driver

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.21721538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8kun can be archived as the national shitpost reserve. In case of emergency and low shitposts, the reserve could be tapped for emergencies like elections etc

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.21721587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The best way we used to do it is reply, include a link to their post in the reply

So people can RT it and you get the full context in 1 post and it's not just buried in replies

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.21721614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1648


>Three already in the first decade.

3 in 10 years is still rare as hell.

Average of maybe 5 per year(?)


And we have 2 in the few weeks before this election, back to back


Also strengthening as it goes inland - that's also rare


I've watched hurricanes for 20 years. In this timeframe, they have never been like this. Even Katrina lost strength as it went inland

Anonymous ID: 3c24f0 Oct. 6, 2024, 4:04 p.m. No.21721656   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that's a shill I have filtered already



yeah I think that's the problem is when you dig trying to prove a point. The issue is also strengthening inland and timing. Also recent history is more relevant because weather patterns do change