Anonymous ID: 0c4a13 Oct. 7, 2024, 10:36 a.m. No.21725664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woe to the terrified bloodthirsty pedos, the filthy Zionists, the cucked Congressional pussies.


About that 6,000 year cycle of a solar strike that carves canyons in the Earth's crust (not to mention how it juices the whole system):


There's a pattern to this strike, where it hits and such. You know, Math. Last time the Americas took the hit. This time it'll be the Middle East.


Certainly you weasely fucks know this by now, and have your feathered nests all set up to the best of your limited abilities, since no one really knows what's going to happen during the strike and after.


One thing's sure certain, however. God allowed you filthy Zionists to settle right in the mathematical area of the impending strike.


Also, there's approximately 20 years or so to the micronova of the Sun (a 12,000 year cycle).


All that Math. And none of you left to enjoy your spoils.


So, the way I see this, God let you set yourselves up for destruction. Unless the peace-loving People of this world put a stop to you before hand.


God's will in all things. The thing we fear most we bring upon ourselves.