Reporter: The administration has money to send to Lebanon without congress coming back, but congress does have to come back to approve money to send to people iun North Carolina. Do I have that right?
Jean-Pierre; [Biden] and [Harris] has had a robust, whole of government response to this…we've taken this very seriously. More than two hundred million dollars that we have provided to the impacted areas, but instead people want to do disinformation/misinformation, which is dangerous. Which is dangerous, because when folks on the ground hear that, they may not want to ask for the help they need.
Reporter: If [Biden] has money for people in Lebanon right now without congress coming back, what does it say about his values, there is not enough money right now for people in North Carolina who need it? That's not misinformation.
Jean-Pierre: No, that is; your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir.
Reporter: Which part? Is there money to send to Lebanon right now?
Jean-Pierre: The way you are asking the question is misinformation.
[Jean-Pierre than rage quit the press conference]