Thank you. Can't trust Taibbi.
I don't believe Snowden was something other than a double / triple agent either. All spies citing each other?
Booz Allen was also players in 9/11
"5. NSA Whistleblowers Thomas Drake, William Binney, and J* Kirk Wiebe were patriots indicted, prosecuted, and lives trashed after legally exposing illegality by the NSA. Most disturbing of all, Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense, was a Booz Allan man."
Shows the colors of the Cabal in how they over-punish those in their Admin structure who won't go along. Truly sad. Those peeps bravery should not be forgotten?
The image with the Rabbit. I know it's blurry and hard to see. But I'd appreciate the removal of the image because the reflection is ? not up to my standards of protecting ID. I know it's glamorous but would rather been known for my writing skill than my good looks. Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give with that
>Most of history , the general narrative and the chronology itself has been not just falsified, but created from whole cloth; like a script.