something something but trump 5d chess will make a new monetary system something something maga something something kys if you think anything else
This is the shit that confuses me if we are winning. Why are the bad guys still going on with their plans?
Regardless. Facebook making hardware? If you think Meltdown and spectre cpu flaws were a big deal…wait til FB makes hardware. Just drop your pants and bend over.
Holy shit…so you trust google and facebook to make a clean uncomped version? Jesus Anon..wake up..
His eyes show void.
So….the cpu flaws meltdown and spectre, which have been in cpu's for over 12 years…have created havoc.
So now I'm retarded because google and facebook, two evil corps, are deciding to get into making hardware and you feel I'm paranoid thinking they wont comp their own hardware to keep tabs on everyone?