Anonymous ID: 99c666 July 16, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.2172871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2878 >>2886 >>2895 >>3363



The world is headed for a new age, not a New World Order. As a part of this, the Jewish people—high-level slaves of satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters—are about to be freed from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery. That is why the rogue state of Israel is now under full martial law as the Khazarian-controlled government there faces an ultimatum to surrender and free their Jewish and Arab hostages, according to Russian FSB and Pentagon sources.


A clear sign that the Jewish people are finally waking up came last week when Jewish human rights groups petitioned their government to stop arming neo-Nazis. Many are waking up now to the fact that Nazism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin. These are really the people whom Revelation 2:9 in the Bible refers to as “those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.”


Pentagon sources are also saying the British monarchy has formally surrendered to the U.S. military on behalf of the Khazarian-bloodline aristocratic families of Europe. During U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK, “When Melania refused to curtsy, it appeared that the Queen has surrendered the British Empire and cabal to Trump, and to save face, Princes Charles and William did not show up to avoid the indignity,” a Pentagon source explains.


We can now say that it was the Europeans, including the British branch of the Rothschild family, who were behind the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan. This is likely to come out once the arrests of European Khazarian cabalists start in earnest, according to White Dragon Society (WDS) sources.


However, MI6 sources say that while the Rothschilds were indeed involved in Fukushima (along with the P2 Agnelli family, a portion of the U.S. space command, and others), the situation is not so simple. They say the Fukushima attack was a failed attempt to keep the owners of the G7 group in power.


So, they say, what is now really going on is that Western leaders are trying to come up with a united front in negotiations with Asian secret societies over the formation of a world government. For that reason, the European royalty-dominated Committee of 300 (headed by Queen Elizabeth) is willing to cede the day-to-day management of the negotiations to the U.S. military government represented by Trump, the sources say.


In any case, the trouble at the NATO summit meeting last week between Trump and other NATO leaders was another sign that the Khazarian-controlled post-war order is collapsing. Basically, Trump told the other leaders to pay more protection money, and they told him to buzz off.


Perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of this summit was the photograph at the link below.


This photo shows all the NATO leaders looking one way while Trump looks the other. This was almost certainly posed to send a message and shows that these “leaders,” including Trump, actually take orders from elsewhere. 16 jul 18

Anonymous ID: 99c666 July 16, 2018, 5:40 a.m. No.2172878   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>This photo shows all the NATO leaders looking one way while Trump looks the other. This was almost certainly posed to send a message and shows that these “leaders,” including Trump, actually take orders from elsewhere.


> 16 jul 18