ty B
Destroyed is a Strong word
it pushed a few boxes over and threw some toilet paper into the air
Little bit of an overreaction if you ask me
oh noes
a couple tents, everything is destroyed
gimme a break, couple boxes fell over
99.99% of the supplies there were unaffected
Maybe it was the Gov, Maybe it wasn't. There's no evidence either way
All we have is a couple tents and a few boxes knocked over
Now, FEMA blocking a Run way
That's a Real dick move
& The purpose is clear
just a hunch
But are they doing the same thing with the Red on the charts like they did with the summer weather?
Is this a climate change push?
not seeing the Evidence to back up these extraordinary claims
I dunno, you can make a big deal out of it if you want
I don't see it like that
He was a Dick, even a major asshole
but it's not the catastrophic life altering event it's being painted as
it was a few boxes knocked over & a couple tents
the Vast Majority of the Supplies were fine and Shipped out to the People that need it
there are bigger issues to deal with than this
& That's all I got to say about that
Cat 3 at Best from what I can see
I'm no expert
But these are the same people that sold the seasonal flu as an Apocopic world ending event
3million children have been raped and molested by Teachers
Banning the smart devices has nothing to do with "protecting the children"
God Bless the people of Israel
That would be more within the realm of reality than what we are hearing from other sources