haven't seen those jewtits for a long time. they are awesome!
like smoke a couple bowls, karaoke Louie Louie and down a couple turbo beer bongs while Melania re-enacts Van Helen's video for Hot for Teacher?
i'd kinda like to know that too. this anon has been following the ivermectin story but has not actively pursed it. anon never takes jabs and has never had flu or COVID. been reading a lot lately about ivermectin as a possible cure for cancer. been thinking about getting some for prophylactic use. anon and dadanon worked for the company that developed ivermectin for 40 yrs but it was only an animal/vet product then. anon knows now that big pharma has no desire to cure disease in humans but to only maintain them to squeeze them for profit until they die.
YEAH! What is that shit in the two right pics, huh? Is THAT a 'normal' weather pattern? Or is it NEXRAD? If it's a normal weather pattern, why does it only show up in group pulses and NEVER FUCKING MOVE???
the motherfuckers think we are all fucking idiots. i think that's what pisses me off the most and makes me want to send them all to fucking hell.
Man…Anon wishes he was living during these times. Anon has always felt he was born 20-30 years too late.
Just gotta say…anon is a little drunk and a little stoned…but anon loves you faggot niggers more than you know. You frens keep anon sane and grounded. WWG1WGA.
Not that bad yet…but working on it!!
Never Forget…
nuke the fuckers!
nice piece of work baker. wish i could help you out.