the smartest thing the C_A ever did, was get Hollywood to make retarded cowardly schizophrenics who know a few hat tricks… look like suave and super athletic Ethen Hunts
if only the general population will see just how stupid the 'Intelligence' really is, and how corrupt criminal the actual 'Government'.
this shitshow must eventually break one way, or another
"smartest" as in a clever parlor trick.
the kind of con like an boiler room call center (it can't last forever)
dear lord?
it simply can not be some kind of "sin" to take a baseball bat to such inhuman scum. eh?
please tell me or point to the chapter and verse in your divine book…. why the flying fuck i should EVER submit to psycho fucks who want me dead by starvation. please, save your 'passivity-suicide' for someotheranon
suck more devil dick, you idiotic fuck
if someone shows up to my house trying to sweetly persuade me to stop growing food… im taking that a a death threat and respond according
maybe you misunderstand…
i said nothing about "revenge".
i wrote about DEFENDING from murderous psychos… by bashing their psycho skulls into mush.
'sweetly' suggesting me to stop growing food IS A DEATH THREAT