Ain't that the truth!
Been eyeing some acreage up in MO though…
Pro egg anon here. I usually describe it like this: The egg came first, it came out of something very much like a chicken but not exactly a chicken…
Be here at landfall, Im going to want to ask you some questions about my reality…
Wanna hear my take on a tree falling in the woods?
Are you saying your praying for dissipation?
OK, breaks over, get back to praying.
You really want a seat at that table?
Until the cell service and the internet go down, Ill be giving live updates from my house…
Right now, it's raining. Its been raining since Sunday. The ground is saturated. You can feel how full the grass is when you walk on it.
Why are you not praying? Why are you here shit posting instead of knelt in prayer? Get back to work!