If you poke around and try to get info about the whole Israel, Iran, Palestine thing, it seems that certain "news" outlets seem to be one pushing the narrative. The usual offenders. CNN, ABC, etc. As far as I can tell, not ALL outlets are beating the drums. I wonder why.
I see the fucking moronic shit shills are playing their games.
Somebody must have posted something juicy to cause them to go into panic mode.
Sure is funny how they get so worked up about a "larp." Enjoy the pain shithead shills.
Yeah, quite different than the early days. It's pretty obvious they gave up trying to prop up their narrative and are now seeking only to be a nuisance. As you say, it's all they have left. I guess they keep hoping for a miracle.
KEK! An error in judgement. They sure can say that again.
There may be some undug info out there, but I think they have all they need. Pandora's box has been opened and the worms are wriggling all over.
I see the nazi shills are upset. What a shame. Such "nice" people too.
Assuming the info that there is lithium and other goodies in the ground in that area, I would be careful that they don't use that money to try and buy out land owners so that they can get the rights. Take a look at the history of oil and railroad barons when they wanted certain parcels of land and wanted it cheap.
Yeah I've thought about that. We have become inured to the shill poison. We see it right away usually. They can't play their usual cards and get away with it. They are essentially one trick ponies. Their propaganda techniques are worn out and dull.
Essentially they are petulant little children who are flopping on the floor and kicking their little feet trying to get their way because it has worked for them in the past. Too bad for them we don't give a fuck if they whine and cry. I have told little kids like that to cry louder and it confuses them because it isn't the response they expect or want.
What you gonna say next? Poo-poo pee-pee and then giggle like it's the funniest shit in the world? I would say you were brain dead, but in your case that would be a compliment.
Says the person whining on the chans. You just can't make this shit up.
IP hopping huh?