Anonymous ID: f17e18 Oct. 9, 2024, 12:13 p.m. No.21736000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6025

I fell into an interesting rabbit hole. I’m currently reading a rather odd book originally written in Greek: “Can You Stand The Truth?: The Chronicle of Man's Imprisonment: Last Call!”

https://www. amazon. com/Can-You-Stand-Truth-Imprisonment-ebook/dp/B00K4CFYO6/


Ignore the alien angle at your own peril, I believe.


By the way,does anyone have a link to the text of the 1954 Greada Treaty (Grenada)?


I have a theory about the “vaccine” agenda. It originates in alien technology and intentions. Ultimately, it is NOT ABOUT A VIRUS, but rather it is an excuse for injecting the nanotech that has been found in them. I believe that nanotech is part of their agenda to create a control mechanism for the human herd.


This would explain why the jab promoters doubled down instead of backing off when problems began to arise. They knew that they might not get another chance at imposing that part of their tech. I believe some key people know the hidden agenda, but likely most don’t. We were made to believe that humans invented the tech, but more likely it was given to us for the benefactors’ own nefarious purposes. Given who we’re talking about, the “gifting” can at times be done via inspiration. And if you look at the etymology of the word, you’ll know exactly what I mean.


All that said, I’ve noticed in articles about the highly-touted Med Beds that they utilize nanotech in their functioning. I advise STRONG caution before using anything involving nanotech, since we really don’t know who provided it and why. At minimum, I would want to know from those with spiritual sight how the human energy field responds to the use of such technology. These types of people provided my main clue that I wanted nothing to do with the jabs.

https:// www.medicahealth. org/a-harsh-passover/

Anonymous ID: f17e18 Oct. 9, 2024, 1:17 p.m. No.21736452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ultimately, secret societies like this tie back to "aliens." We have in previous eras called them angels, gods, and demons.


Clif High mentions this in a video re-upped by Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.