Anonymous ID: 605e89 Oct. 9, 2024, 2 p.m. No.21736728   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6737 >>6932 >>6936 >>6981 >>7028 >>7217 >>7314 >>7326 >>7355 >>7476



Note:dough below to 1st rally


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Scranton, PA - 10/9/24


LIVE: President Trump in Scranton, PA


PDJT takes the stage @ 3:18 PM ET starts speaking @ 3:20 PM ET

President Trump: You know, if they only cheat a lot, we're in great shape. But if they cheat in record-setting numbers, which they're capable of doing; I can't promise. They are cheaters.

djt: he hates her almost as much as he hates me.

President Trump: [Harris] has just led the worst rescue operation in history, in North Carolina. The worst. And we have a another big one coming in. But the worst; the one in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, pieces of Florida got hit…the worst ever, they say. They had no money, You know where they gave the money? To illegal immigrants coming in, many of whom are killers, many of whom are drug dealers, many of whom are gang members, and many of whom came out of prisons from all over the world.

President Trump: We just rented Madison Square Garden. We're gonna make a play. We're gonna make a play for New York; hasn't been done in a long time. It hasn't been done in many decades, but we're gonna make; how could New York be run worse than it is, right? With all the problem, everything is corrupt in New York, and we're gonna make a play, and let's see.

Trump- The wind is bullshit

President Trump: As we speak, Kamala is crushing Pennsylvania with a natural gas export ban, designed to choke the life out of your fossil fuel industry.

President Trump: Last year, Pennsylvania's largest coal-fired power plant shut down in Homer City, throwing hundreds and hundreds of workers out. Just devastating; they got nothing…the head of the plant at Homer City said Kamala's EPA had imposed a, "excessive economic and operational burden", it wasn't possible to keep it open. It's being done on purpose. They're taking plants that are perfectly good, that are not polluting any more than anything else would, and they're closing them up, and they're forcing you to use energy that;s ten times, and twenty times more expensive, and doesn't even work…I hope whoever owns that plant can just keep it around for a few months, just keep goin', because we're gonna let that plant go for a long time.

TRUMP- I didn't even know we made black hats. Elon calls it DARK MAGA.

djt: you know elon is now in Pennsylvania now campaigning for me.

President Trump: Today I make Pennsylvania this promise, I will stop the energy price hikes, I will stop the plant closures immediately, and we will re-start the plants that Kamala has very cruelly closed…I will terminate the Green New Scam immediately…I will end the destruction of our electrical grid. They are destroying our grid.

President Trump: We used to be an all-tariff country, in the 1890's, 1880's, early 1900's. All tariffs. That was when our country was the richest it ever was. It was never rich like that. It was so rich that they had to set up a commission, The Great Tariff Commission, of like, 1887. It had one function, what to do with all the money; we had so much money, we didn't know what to do with it. Then in the 1900's, they brilliantly went to the income tax, where everybody gets taxed, and foreign companies could come in and just steal our treasure, and our jobs. Steal our wealth. And honestly, we've never really been the same.

[setting up the end of income tax by using tariffs]

President Trump: Yesterday, Tampon Tim said they want to abolish the electoral college, taking away all electoral power from, basically from the voters from places like Pennsylvania. Tim and Comrade Kamala are really a true threat to democracy…they're the enemy from within.

djt: i also want to send our love to those in florida, they are going through a big one, i have never seen anything like it, we send our prayers to them, we have some great people. we are praying for them and asking God this is the real dea

President Trump: I will crush violent crime, and give our police the support, protection, resources, and respect that they so dearly deserve. Our police are great; we're gonna give them back their authority. It's been taken away.

djt: And we will make america great again, God bless you, get out and vote.

POTUS /end/ @ 4:42

music plays young man, ymca djt does his dance, fist pumps and a air Q