Kek. Bidan draws attention to the issues of the day
>s*x offenders
like these evil teachers who maliciously raped students. Sometimes by the vile horrors of fellatio. They deserve to die in the hurricane's wrath. Good riddance to evil satan spawn
>Wtf, do I like ebot now?
da management
>Where did he come from
he presents well. that's what's important. the info is good that I've seen. His GME info was new to me.
he's an israeli scam.
I like this analogy a lot.
Because the reality is that the system wants them both dead equally and in fact, Falling Down gets shot in the chest by the system. If Falling Down hadn't been so high & mighty thinking he was better than the other guy, he would likely have lived longer.
The Gun Store Guy knew how to hide from the system, how to not let his power level be known.
Falling Down hated the chinese scammer store guy, but couldn't bring himself to admit it. He was closeted. Believing the system's lies. He was molded by the system, a defense guy, he had probably worked with nogs his whole life.
My god. The analogy may actually be perfect
> repressed fag who hated Jews
No, you're a shill who thinks about nothing but israel & jews in everything. You're not America First. You have an alternate agenda in everything you post. You don't belong here.