Anonymous ID: e1a033 Oct. 10, 2024, 3:13 a.m. No.21739624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9625 >>9634 >>9639 >>9731

Did some digging on that tunnel. Haven't found much in the way of 'official sources' but there was a google group chat called Haiti Nation were oneStanley Lucasposted about construction of the tunnel, circa 2010




Stanley Lucas's profile photo

Stanley Lucas


Dec 16, 2010, 1:21:33 PM

to G. Stanley Lucas

Florida-Haiti Interstate Tunnel

Caribbean International Highway.jpg


The Florida - Haiti Interstate Tunnel, I-95U or Caribbean International Highway Route 1 is an under construction underwater highway tunnel spanning from southern Florida, outside of Miami to northern Haiti, the city of Cap-Haitien. The tunnel began construction in mid 2009, so far spanning 100 miles in length at the sea floor. The tunnel itself is expected completion by early 2011 with addition work completing by late 2011, spanning a total of 600 miles. The Caribbean International Highway construction was featured on Discovery Channel'sExtreme Engineering documentary series.


The Union of Everett interstate route number assigned to the tunnel is I-95U standing for Interstate 95 Underwater. The portion of the planned Caribbean Sea Tunnel, will span from Miami, Florida to Cap-Haitien in Haiti, a total of 600 miles of tunnel set at the bottom of the sea floor. I-95U will feature a rest stop every 50 miles containing fuel stations, food, restrooms and fire/medical/police centers. Everetti police stations will be located every hundred miles which would be used to respond to car accidents and other incidents. Fire/rescue and EMS stations will be located every 50 miles at each rest stop. I-95U will have a speed limit of 75 miles per hour, which will be enforced electronically rather than have police patrols. The tunnel will have three lanes of traffic for both the west bound and east bound sides, totalling six lanes. In addition to the road for cars, there will be three railroad lines, two of which are regular train lines and one will be part of the Maglev system as the Caribbean International Highway Line also called the I-95 Line.


I-95U is a concept tunnel as part of a global architecture test for a plan for a global highway that spans the Earth, originally conceived in the 1990s. If the 600 miles tunnel succeeds, it may lead to the planning stages of the global highway system.


Currently, 110 miles of the CIH-1 tunnel have been completed, spanning from Miami, Florida to the CIH-1/CIH-2 Interchange point. Construction involves the use of a massive crane barge which carries each of the 660 foot long sections of tunnel and lowers them into the water where they will be locked and sealed in place. Each tunnel section is 660 feet long, 140 feet wide and 25 feet tall, totalling 4,800 tunnel sections to be placed under the water. There are currently four barges working, each carrying two tunnel sections. A total of eight sections are laid a day, totalling one mile in distance added to the tunnel every 24 hours. Tunnel sections are produced and constructed on land in large warehouses.


I-932U planned Florida-Yucatan tunnel.

United PlanetsAdded by United Planets

Interstate I-932U is a second Everetti owned interstate tunnel route recently approved for construction. I-932U will span from Cancun, Yucatan to a junction with I-95U, north of Cuba. The tunnel will span 400 miles under the Gulf of Mexico. An additional Maglev route has been added to the Miami-Haiti line that will stop at an undersea station in which a Yucatan-Maya Coast line will be installed, spanning from Reynosa, Maya Coast to the I95U-I932U Maglev station located at a rest stop at the I95U-I932U junction. Eight rest stops will exist along I-932U, each containing an emergency rescue and medical, fire, police station, motel rest, fast food and restrooms. I-932U will have a speed limit of 75 miles per hour with six lanes of traffic (three eastbound, three westbound) and three rail lines (one Maglev running from Cancun to the undersea junction) and two standard rail lines for cargo, transport and other rail trains.


Construction on I-932U began August 9th 2010, starting in Cancun, Yucatan. By late 2011, I-932U will be connected to the already completed I-95U route.


The Caribbean International Highway is a proposed CARICOM plan to create an underwater tunnel highway connecting several caribbean nations with road routes. CIH-1 is already under construction, the I-95U tunnel stretching from Florida to Haiti. Additional tunnels will connect between nations such as CIH-2, connecting Cuba to I-95U and CIH-3, connecting the Bahamas main island and capitol, Nassau, to the I-95U tunnel. Other routes, CIH-4 will connect Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic and CIH-5 connecting Haiti to Jamaica with a stop at the U.S. Navassa Islands.


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Anonymous ID: e1a033 Oct. 10, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21739625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9634 >>9639 >>9731


A part of the CIH proposal is in agreement with Everett's peace treaty with Venezuela. To aid in trade between all Caribbean nations, Venezuela wants a connection to the tunnel system. Everett though did not want to disturb all of the smaller islands along the way, which may damage their ecosystems and clear waters and beaches. A proposed tunnel addition, named CIH-6 would run from Puerto Rico, passing through the Virgin Islands and follow south through all of the smaller Caribbean nations, passing through St. Kitts & Nevis, Montserrat, Guadeloupe,Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines and Grenada into Venezuela. This remains in discussion but would open up trade and tourism for all the affected islands and nations along the tunnel route.>


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Anonymous ID: e1a033 Oct. 10, 2024, 3:19 a.m. No.21739634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9636 >>9639 >>9731



Who is Stanley Lucas?

Stanley Lucas is Director for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Washington Democracy Project. He previously served as the U.S. International Republican Institute's (IRI's) Haiti program officer,[1] and lists his international experience as including work on Afghanistan, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. He also runs a blog called "Haiti Solutions." [2]



1 Background

2 Haiti

2.1 Alleged involvement in second Aristide coup

2.2 IRI response to coup charges

3 SourceWatch resources

4 External links

4.1 References

4.2 Articles




Lucas was described by Mother Jones magazine as "the scion of a powerful Haitian family with long-standing animosity toward [former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand] Aristide – Amnesty International says some family members participated in a 1987 peasant massacre." [1]


The New York Times described Lucas as "an avowed Aristide opponent from the Haitian elite, [who] counseled the opposition to stand firm, and not work with Mr. Aristide, as a way to cripple his government and drive him from power." [3]


Alleged involvement in second Aristide coup


Journalist Max Blumenthal said of Lucas: "IRI's program in Haiti has been probably its most bellicose thanks to Stanley Lucas. … He was schooled in Haiti's finest schools with members of the mulatto elite. At the same time, he comes from a wealthy land owning family close to the Duvalier regime, which ruled Haiti with an iron fist for decades. His family is close to the military. Two of Stanley Lucas's cousins massacred organized a massacre of 250 peasants, in 1987, who were protesting for land reform after the Duvalier regime crumbled. … It was a terrible massacre documented by Amnesty International and described to me by someone who witnessed it firsthand. … He is a judo master who allegedly trained the military in counter insurgency tactics after the Duvalier regime collapsed. He was hired [by IRI] in 1992. … When I asked IRI's communications director why he was hired, he refused to tell me why, or what his duties consisted of between 1992 and 1998. A lot of people I spoke to suspect that Stanley Lucas is a CIA asset, including former ambassador former U.S. Ambassador in the region." [4]


Blumenthal said that a source of his "who lived with Lucas, working with Lucas, in Haiti, told me he saw documents indicating that while Lucas was working for IRI, he was being paid by Michelle Francois, who was a notorious FRAPH [paramilitary] leader. … [Lucas] lobbied for the opposition to Aristide and managed to tie quite a bit of funding to them and introduced a number of Aristide's most virulent opponents to powerful Republicans in Washington. When IRI's campaign to destabilize Haiti began in earnest in 1998 with a $2 million grant in mostly taxpayer money from the U.S. Agency for International Development, Lucas hosted some of Aristide's most virulent opponents in political training sessions. What he did was he merged all of these disparate groups into one big party called the Democratic Convergence." [4]


Blumenthal added, "At the time, the U.S. Ambassador, who was named Brian Dean Curran, a Clinton appointee, who was a highly respected career diplomat, uncovered evidence that Stanley Lucas was the one encouraging the Democratic Convergence to reject the compromises and to stay out of the democratic process. When he presented this evidence to the U.S. Agency for International Development, and he asked them to block Stanley Lucas from the program, Bush's Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere, Roger Noriega, apparently stepped in, and … Lucas was barred for four months, but after four months, he was back. … When Lucas returned to the program, he retaliated against Ambassador Curran. What he did was he spread salacious rumors in Port-au-Prince … and in Washington about Curran's personal life. … Lucas threatened two embassy officials and told them they would be fired once the real – 'real' U.S. policy was implemented." [4]

IRI response to coup charges

Anonymous ID: e1a033 Oct. 10, 2024, 3:19 a.m. No.21739636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9639


In response to a January 2006 article in the New York Times alleging that IRI tried "to undermine the reconciliation process after disputed 2000 Senate elections threw Haiti into a violent political crisis," [3] IRI president Lorne Craner responded that the article was "based on accusations by former U.S. Ambassador Brian Dean Curran," along with "former associates of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and an accused death squad leader. All are dubious sources, and all have ample motivation to criticize IRI."[5]


Craner's response also stated: "IRI did not undermine U.S. policy in Haiti. Nor, as a U.S. Agency for International Development Inspector General's report showed, did we consort with rebels in President Aristide's overthrow. As Colin Powell has stated, Aristide was 'a man who was democratically elected, but did not democratically govern, or govern well.' And he has to bear a large burden, if not the major burden, for what has happened."

Anonymous ID: e1a033 Oct. 10, 2024, 3:30 a.m. No.21739654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9691



>Woman are the worst for this because they are very emotional and naturally have a lower IQ then men. Ex. Allowing men to fuck you in the ass where parasites breed.


No wonder porn sites push anal as the headliner videos they know the deal.


this banned youtube video is the smoking gun to me. Looks like it was recorded pre covid