Anonymous ID: 9da01e Oct. 10, 2024, 6:11 a.m. No.21740001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0235

IF this is true, it is devastating. I was reading Fullford, and he mentioned Harris mother and MK ultra in his most recent article, although he did not flush it out. It inspired me to dig. Need a another confirmation source, if possible. It might explain a how Kamala rose in power so quickly with Obama support.


Kamala's Mother Ran 'Planet Of The Apes' For The MK-ULTRA's Assassin Project


By Yoichi Shimatsu

Exclusive To Rense



(Just a short sample of this very long article.)

" In the “grey zone” between the UK and USA - aka Canada - MK-ULTRA was never challenged but continued to churn out state-run assassins. One of the key players in the ongoing secret project in Montreal was a Ph.D. graduate of U.C. Berkeley who was born in Madras, India, while that nation was still part of the British Empire. That “monkey researcher” in the service of the MK-ULTRA assassin-training program in Canada - Shyamala Gopalan - was the mother of Kamala and Maya Harris. This is a background report on her origin, academic research and secretive mission for MI-6 MK-ULTRA in Montreal - and continuing dark influence long after her passing."

"One of Shyamala’s accomplices in obtaining brain-addled victims for conversion of your average youths into murderous automatons was the India-born national of minority Sikh-cult descent - Hardial Bains, That agitator/secret agent created the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) - CPC-MLM - as agents provocateur providing a mad-cap distraction for the MI-6 British military-intelligence agency as well as terminating enemies of the Crown. One of Bains’s more bizarre projects involved the perfectly still (for 12 hours) “human statues” phenomena along isolated Canadian roadways. This endurance trial in a dramatic motionless posture was actually devised as endurance training for the CIA long-range assassination program (LURRP) along the Ho Chi Minh trail inside neutral Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Since that troubled era, the eerie spectacle that I once witnessed on a drive to Montreal, “the great human statue show” has since morphed into party entertainment - for-hire - in the Great White North. Cruelty has morphed into the ridiculous. It was made possible by the drug-induced awake comas provided my Shyamala Gopalan at her secretive clinic in Montreal."

Anonymous ID: 9da01e Oct. 10, 2024, 7:08 a.m. No.21740235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0313


Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is "Editor at Large" at the 4th Media[1] and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco.


Yoichi Shimatsu has written commentaries on the Edward Snowden affair published in the South China Morning Post and about the death of Aaron Schwartz.[2]. His work has been published on Truthout[3] and Rense.[4]



On 29 October 2019, Yoichi Shimatsu wrote an article that suggested that Aaron Swartz was killed to silence him after he had uncovered evidence of Jeffrey Epstein's sexual blackmail operations.[5]

Anonymous ID: 9da01e Oct. 10, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.21740313   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who was Kamala's first husband and how many duel citizenships does she have?


(Excerpt from Kamala's Mother Ran 'Planet Of The Apes' For The MK-ULTRA's Assassin Project By Yoichi Shimatsu)


"About a decade ago, I was scanning the society page with a photo of Kamala Harris’ marriage to a wealthy Canadian-British businessman. My personal dislike of her since my sojourn in San Francisco – followed by the mysterious murder of Jeff Adachi (I was something of his mentor to the evil brew of SF Democrat politics) – made me want to vomit on seeing her overjoyed smile arm-in-arm with a British subject, conferring on her two added citizenships – Brit and Canadian atop of her American passport and maybe even India residency papers. She’s a worldly woman indeed and in action. Like so much of her personal record, her marriage to the Canuck has since been scrubbed from the record as if it never happened. That’s very convenient for her run for the Presidency, which disallows foreign citizens to hold the highest position in American governance. Oh, yes, did I ever mention that Kamala’s a cheater – in more ways than one.


History repeats itself in other ways, for instance with Kamala Harris’s striking resemblance to Indira Gandhi - that rare first female prime minister of India who enforced a stern pro-abortion policy that riled villagers who were subjected to forcible ovary removal. Later PM Indira was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in the final high-profile hit-job of the CIA mind-controlled assassin program. In that turbulent context of post-colonial reorganization of the world, Kamala’s mother Shyamala Gopalan, raised in British India and an immigrant to the USA after independence, served as a highly-valued monkey researcher for the MK-ULTRA center in Montreal, Canada, following the death of the notorious mind-control innovator Dr. Ewen Cameron, a demented Scots-man. This probing essay examines how her ape behavior research aided the CIA and MI-6 brainwashing of robotic mind-controlled killers – a program familiar to the wider public due to Robert Ludlum’s spy novels and depicted in the Jason Bourne movies."