God loves Trump so very much!
Evil people hate that.
God loves Trump so very much!
Evil people hate that.
There are no aliens and all UFOs have always come from Earth and are all man-made and operated.
Now go dig and learn why that's obvious and a certain fact.
Then go dig and learn why they've been doing it.
Anons have known this since long before 2017.
Reality is like a light switch.
On is on no matter what you want it to be. And off is off. There is also no in-between.
Reality is what is true.
Lies are everything that is false.
Just like when evil people want to pretend to be the opposite gender or non-binary.
America is the Holy Land.
The New Jerusalem.
The seed of David has been here in America since more than 200 years before Whites arrived on the Mayflower.
B'nei Anusim are rising.
The Deep State is in its death-throws.
Beautiful Days Ahead.
There is no such thing as an AshkeNazi jew.
Jews are the genetic descendants of a man named Judah.
Judah and Benjamin are the southern 2 Tribes (Sephardim).
AshkeNazis are the fake jew nazis that Jesus spoke about in Revelation.
The real Jews …
Taken as slaves after Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Then the Inquisition horrors for more than 100 years.
Followed by the Expulsion.
The real Jews were rounded up and put on Columbus' fleet. The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
The real Jews were dropped off in the Americas to be eaten by cannibal freaks.
But God saved us and gave us the New Jerusalem.
More than 200 years after that, White Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower.
And now here we are today being called the Native Hispanic population.
The Deep State hates this.
Catch up, it is all documented.
And they took multiple trips to drop us all off.
The end will not be good for you.