Anonymous ID: 916e77 Oct. 10, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.21741669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1675 >>1684 >>1866 >>2231 >>2387

“To all my fellow Americans” living abroad, I need you to join me right now in saving our country. Our country is in very serious trouble.


You have to make sure that you are registered and you are going to vote, because I'm going to take very good care of you. I'm going to take care of our nation.



We're in a failing nation, and we're going to bring it back, and we're going to bring it back strong. Once and for all, I'm going to end double taxation on our Overseas Citizens.



You've been wanting this for years, and nobody has listened to you, and you deserve it, and I'm going to do it. It's the right thing to do, and no American leader has ever been willing to stand up and commit to you the way that I have on many things, but this is a very important element for your safety, security, and, frankly, for your wallet.



But I'm not like everyone else. I get things done. When I say it, I get things done. So, I'm going to get this done for you. It's a big one, ending double taxation, and you are going to be very happy when I'm back in office and get it done for you.



So, I need you to get out and vote. Cast your vote today. Remember, we're in a failing nation. It's a nation in decline. I'm going to turn it around. Don't wait to vote. Make sure you're registered and cast your vote as soon as you can. God bless you and God bless our beautiful country. Thank you very much.

Anonymous ID: 916e77 Oct. 10, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21741689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1866 >>2231 >>2387

AAF Fights for Parents and Reality

October 7, 2024

Advancing American Freedom led a coalition of 55 other amici in fighting for the fundamental right of all parents to protect their children from being exposed to sexually explicit material in schools. In Montgomery County, Maryland, the School Board introduced more than 20 pro-LGBT books to the English curriculum for elementary school students. While state law gives parents a right to be notified and opt their children out of sex education materials they find objectionable, there is no equivalent law protecting parents against indoctrination in the English curriculum. Along with the books, teachers were instructed to answer student questions with canned responses including that telling elementary school students that “When we’re born, people make a guess about our gender,” that “Our body parts do not decide our gender,” and that “When someone tells us what our gender is, we believe them.” A religiously diverse group of parents thus sued to protect their children from being exposed to such pernicious lies.


AAF filed an amicus brief supporting these parents for the second time, now at the Supreme Court, asking the Court to take up the case and protect the fundamental right of parents around the country to direct the upbringing of their children.


“Parents send their children to school expecting them to learn. They do not send them to school to be indoctrinated into novel ideologies,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “For decades, in the death grip of the teachers unions, public schools have repeatedly failed to teach our children reading and math at grade level. Now, schools are junking up curricula with ideologies that reject basic reality. The brave parents in this case are rightly standing up and fighting back.”


PDF is court case