Conspiracy theorists, you were right: The climate change agenda is the depopulation agenda, even though no one knows what the global population is
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Conspiracy theorists, you were right: The climate change agenda is the depopulation agenda, even though no one knows what the global population is
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Conspiracy theorists, you were right: The climate change agenda is the depopulation agenda, even though no one knows what the global population is
By Rhoda Wilson on October 10, 2024 • ( 3 Comments )
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On Tuesday, The Guardian published an article that admits the climate agenda is the depopulation agenda.
What is also notable is the article boldly claims the global human population is increasing by 200,000 people a day. The world’s population is a guesstimate, so how can they know it is increasing by that number? The truth is they don’t.
It simply isn’t possible to be sure exactly how many people there are on the Earth at any one time. If it is uncertain how many people there are, it is even less certain by how many people the population is increasing, if indeed it is increasing.
The Guardian was publicising a report by a group of “experts” who had written a declaration of a ‘Warning of a Climate Emergency’ in 2020 for “scientists” worldwide to sign. Their recent report was designed to solicit additional signatories.
How did The Guardian’s journalist miss that the “expert’s” report was merely activism? The article was written by a 20-year environmental reporting veteran who won this year’s press award for his “agenda-setting journalism on the climate crisis.” He didn’t overlook the activism; he was helping to set the agenda.
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On Tuesday, The Guardian reported that a group of “expert” climate scientists have said Earth’s “vital signs” have hit record extremes, indicating that “the future of humanity hangs in the balance.”
The Guardian was referring to the ‘The 2024 state of the climate report’ published in the journal BioScience. It’s an annual report. If you scroll down to the ‘acknowledgement’ section it’s clear the purpose of the report is to encourage more people to sign the Alliance of World Scientists’ “The World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency paper (Ripple et al. 2020).” Which is mentioned again in the ‘supplementary data’.
The “report” from a “group of expert climate scientists” is unashamedly an activist outreach. Rather than recognise this, The Guardian amplified the “report.”
The Guardian gave its highlights of the “report” which demonstrates that the climate agenda and the depopulation agenda are indeed the same agenda: