Anonymous ID: fa0e49 Oct. 10, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.21742097   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2098 >>2104 >>2108 >>2126 >>2231 >>2387


Note; will collect statement from djt, if this one is as good as the nyc event it should be well worth watching and sharing. chicago, the home of the mafia.

dough below


L​IVE: President Trump Addresses the Detroit Economic Club - 10/10/24


LIVE: President Trump in Detroit, MI


djt stakes mike at 1.36pm

djt: before we begin, i want to send our love to everyone effected by the hurricane, as you know it was a rough night, who would have thought a lot of things happening at the same time. but that just ripped through Florida, and also the people of north carolina, georgia south carolina, forida again and what they went through hurricane helene, i would like to thank gov desantis, gov brian kemp, henry mccmaster. the federal gov has not done what they were supposed to be doing, forida will rebuild as it always done.

djt: the other big news is the 60 minutes fraud, the real answer from kamala was dumb, but they actually replaced it, no one has ever seen anything like it (edited video answer by 60 minutes)

President Trump: Inflation came in substantially higher than expected last month, double what was predicted, with much of the gain coming from food prices going up, rent and hosing costs going up, and car prices going up. Interest rates, as you know, are also a very big factor; they're very high. They've gone from two percent, when I was in office, to ten percent now, and you can't get the money, which means it's much higher than ten percent.

President Trump: My goal is to see US auto manufacturing even greater than it was in it's prime, and for Detroit and Michigan to be at the center of the action.

President Trump: After decades and decades of Michigan autoworkers giving our nation their very best, our leaders in Washington did their very worst for them. They were terrible. You lost nearly four million manufacturing jobs after globalist politicians gave us the twin disasters of NAFTA, which I terminated, and China's entry tin to the World Trade Organization…nearly a quarter of a million jobs were destroyed here, right here in Michigan alone, including forty percent of all of the auto jobs, and then it got to be much higher than that. Detroit was decimated as if by a foreign army. This was a foreign army invading us, but it was an army of business people, very brilliant business people, that took the candy out of our pockets, just like you'd take it from a baby.

President Trump: Perhaps most importantly, I imposed a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese automobiles, which largely kept them out of the market. Meaning, kept them out of the market, and kept Detroit in business. In other words, I kept Chinese cars out of America, and we had to do it, because when they come in, they take over everything, and you would have had no car manufacturing at all. And it was only me that did it. I met with a lot of resistance; remember this, between the lobbyists and everything else, it's brutal. Getting people to go along with you is brutal, even if it's the wrong thing. They know it's the wrong thing, but they get paid a lot of money.

President Trump: Under Kamala, we are now in a manufacturing recession, with manufacturing contracting in twenty-two of the last twenty-three months it got smaller. We're losing jobs every single months. We've lost nearly fifty thousand manufacturing jobs, this year alone. Car sales are down by thirty-eight percent since I left. The share of domestically produced sold has dropped significantly, and the US trade deficit in automobiles exploded by nearly fifty billion dollars, to an all time high. The worst they've ever had it. Right now. Your car industry is going out of business…we're not going to allow this horror to continue. The four year long nightmare for the American autoworker ends the day I take the oath of office. January 20th, it ends.

President Trump: I intend for the triumph of the American auto industry to be among my greatest legacies. I want it to be a legacy. I want American companies to, not only dominate the American market, but also the foreign markets as well.


Anonymous ID: fa0e49 Oct. 10, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.21742104   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2108 >>2126 >>2231 >>2387



>>21741391 djt: you have the worst union leader, shawn fain. - picture of shawn fain.

>>21741408, >>21741416 djt: i stopped mexico, which is becoming the second china (home of the b.i.s 2nd base and agustin carsten and the cartels)

President Trump: We will build this policy, and it's called, 'Build It In America Plan', it's 'Build It In America', because when foreign leaders and CEOs call me up to complain about our tariffs, my answer will be very simply, Build It In America, you don't have any tariffs.

>>21741465 klaus puppet leaders are just the talking heads, the real controllers are the banksters. anons need to raise height to 40k view

djt: indian charge is 200% tariffs but they do it with a smile. harley davison moved to india so they could build their plants there and they do not pay tarriffs.

modi i know him well.

djt: shinzo abe, he was a great man, he was assassinated. a great friend of mine.

djt: we have a 2 trillion dollar deficit with china.

they think we are stupid, but they want to do business with us.

djt: i am not sure if we get rid of tarriffs or should we take a bit moar, i am a bit torn, but they have been screwing us for decades, they owe us..

President Trump: You know, Iran was broke when I left office, and I don't want them to be broke. I want them to be a strong country. I just don't want them to have a nuclear weapon. It's very simple.


President Trump: We will implement further protections for critical industries that are fundamental for our national interests, and those include, above all, steel, and the car industry. The car industry is critical to us. We can't fight a war if we can't make cars, and trucks, and engines, and transmissions, and drivetrains. Surrendering our car industry is not an option. We have to make our car industry brilliant again. We have to make it bigger; I'm gonna make it bigger than it was ever before.

President Trump: I'm announcing today, than upon taking office, I will formally notify Mexico and Canada of my intention to invoke the six year renegotiation provisions of the USMCA that I put in. That was the hardest thing I had to get get. They didn't want that.

djt: does anyone understands this.

djt: you need the right messenger.

djt: we have a few dummies in here.

President Trump: All together, Kamala's 4.1 trillion dollar tax hike is projected to reduce GDP by two percent, raise the typical family's taxes by at least three thousand dollars a year, lower wages by 1.2 percent, and kill at least a million full-time jobs.

>>21741711, >>21741752, >>21741770 djt: they want us to make all electric trucks, this is like a dictatorship (think atlas shrugged).

it is not just 1984 , it is all of them together in a dystopian future plan of the nwo.


Anonymous ID: fa0e49 Oct. 10, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.21742108   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2126 >>2231 >>2387



President Trump: To comply with Kamala's quotas, automakers are forced to jack up the costs of gas-powered vehicles, artificially, to push consumers toward the very expensive electric alternative. So they're gonna raise the prices on one, to subsidies the other. That's not a good thing. So Kamala gives rich people seven thousand, five hundred dollar tax breaks to buy luxury electric cars, a lot of people don't know that, yet she makes the working class pay more for a entry-level car that's powered by gasoline, which we have so much of. And I will reverse this also, this injustice, on Day One. Kamala's EV mandate is one of the most demented regulations that's been conceived. It will destroy US auto manufacturing immediately, it'll destroy our trucking-based supply chain, destroy our electric grid, destroy our military, destroy our roads and bridges with vehicles that are far to heavy; can't even use them. Destroy the state of Michigan, and it will totally destroy our middle-class. That's why I will not only repeal the federal mandate, I will also stop California from imposing any state-level mandate to ban gas-powered cars and trucks.

President Trump: Today I am also announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible.

President Trump: As we protect gas-powered cars, we will unleash American energy, and bring prices way down fast.

President Trump: We're gong to put America workers first, America's jobs first, American cans first, America factories first, and we're gonna put the American people first. That's the first time in a long time you've heard that. Form commerce, to labor, to FEMA, I will work for Americans, and only for Americans. I want to work for Americans. America First. It's a very simple policy. America First. When we do all of this, you will witness nothing less than the launch of a New American Industrial Revolution. Thousands of factories will open up all across our land. Great paying, blue-collar jobs will left up those who have suffered so terribly the past four years. Inflation will come down fast. American cars and products will be exported and admired all throughout the world again. Young people will move from the coasts, to big cities into the heartlands, to build their fortunes on the new frontier of the American mid-west.

djt: i am going to reduce your energy bills by half in 12 months, that means electricity, gas, petrol, oil all forms of energy.

djt: A.i is going to be massive but it takes massive amounts of energy, we are going to need cheap energy to power

the data centers, we must keep up.

==djt ends speech at 3.23pm than an (q and a)

4 questions asked, will fill in later.

main one, how do did your kids so great.

djt; told them again and again, no drink, drugs or cigs

how do you keep going

djt: i got shot in the head, but this is more important,

djt ends q and a at 3.39pm.

Anonymous ID: fa0e49 Oct. 10, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21742143   🗄️.is đź”—kun

reports coming in that 10 people died in hurricane milton with many missing with further flooding coming due to floods and further rain.

will wait for desantis to give update unless he has done it already.

was covering djt.

Anonymous ID: fa0e49 Oct. 10, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.21742174   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2231


Note: have not seen it yet. will write notes later.

hearing of 10 deaths so far due to milton.


JUST IN: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Update On Response To Hurricane Milton