Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.21744283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4360


> division narrative

Speaking of division narratives, why aren't Jews, as a collective, calling out these other, shitty Jews for pretending to be White, spreading anti-White rhetoric while doing so and inciting hatred and violence towards non-Jewish Whites? It makes the entire Jewish community look bad, especially with NGOs like the ADL who claim to be "Fighting Hate For Good" donotcondemn this behavior. It also makes non-Jewish people tend to believe that the silence they hear coming from the majority of Jewsnotcalling out such behavior by these shitty Jews, means they support and endorse such behavior. Ironically, whenever I ask you MuhJoo Fags about this, youalwaysrefuse to answer.

Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 8:45 p.m. No.21744348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4353


>Anon who has the tooth pain:

Clove essential oil and a cotton ball are your friend. Won't entirely heal the infection (requires removal), but cleans it out and reduces the inflammation. o7

Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 8:58 p.m. No.21744391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4397


The only Jews that I know of who calls out the >Jewish Mafia Evil Cabal is Henry Makow and Ben Fulford.

>It takes a lot of courage because they face fierce attack and risk being killed for it.

Brother Nathanael does, but he's Eastern Orthodox. Doesn't stop YouTube from removing his channels. Dr Alan Sabrosky is another one. He's a US Marine and former Director of Studies Army War College. He called out Mossad for doing 9-11. They never answer the question. Almost all of those poasts in that video were during Yoel Roth's reign as Head of Twitter Safety™, a timeline when 99% of us lost our accounts for wrong think™, but he was okay with his fellow Jews calling for White Genocide or antagonizing hatred towards non-Jewish Whites, by pretending tobenon-Jewish Whites? Then, you have asshats like Jonathan Greenblatt's org sounding the charge againstanyperceived slight againstanyJewish person, not matter how minute, but he, nor his organization the ADL, will condemn the actions of a Jew calling for the genocide of another sub-group of our species, yet we're supposed to remember the Lolocaust™? It's fucking hypocritical and I'm tired of it. Jews, flat out, donotwant a level playing field for all mankind. They want special privileges, 'cos they feel they're Chosen™ and the rest of us, but most specifically White Christians, are not.

Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 9:04 p.m. No.21744413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4422


>Total flakes

Irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, the majority of the Jewish community saysnothingabout racist, supremacist Jews calling for the genocide of or spreading bile and vitriol against another sub-group of our species. Theyprotectthem and if you point it out, they'll accuse you of anti-Semitisms™. It's fucking bullshit and a light needs to be shined upon this fact. It only goes to show that Jews, as a collective, are supremacist in nature bydefendingsupremacist fucking assholes in their community, bynotcondemning this type of behavior. Yet, they expect every other sub-group to do it, especially if it concerns Jews. It's hypocrisy.

Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 9:17 p.m. No.21744474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491


>You and your false jew fixation

It's not "false jew fixation." It's sauced in the video. Some of them called for the genocide of non-Jewish Whites, which is ahate crime. Why aren't Jews, as a group, calling out the behavior of the (alleged) minority, yet they expect all other "races" to condemnanyonethat were to say similar about Jews? If you don't, they'll accuse you of anti-Semitisms™, but what do you call Jews who don't call out their ownpeoplefor such supremacist ideology? It's hypocritical and you know it. You just don't have an argument, so you're deflecting and gaslighting.

Anonymous ID: ff5fa1 Oct. 10, 2024, 9:27 p.m. No.21744512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4526 >>4652


>False jew fixation, at least three times a week same bullshit

Then who are these people, Anon? Why are they claiming to be White, spreading anti-White hate and then coming out and claiming they're Jewish? Why are they calling for genocide against non-Jewish Whites? You don't have an answer which is why you keep replying with "False jew fixation." I have every right to ask why Jews, as a group, aren't calling out this bullshit for what it is. You, yourself, can't condemn these actions. Your silence on the issue, instead claiming muh false Jew fixation™ only proves youendorsethese Jews and their behaviors. Transparent as fuck.


I'm out, Anons. o7 See you all on day shift.