Anonymous ID: 6fc656 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:49 a.m. No.21745373   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>1. We just won a lawsuit in Michigan that will force Jocelyn Benson to enforce basic mail ballot safeguards ahead of November 5.

top kek

as if this commie bitch is going to follow the law


Five Courts Have Concluded That MI SoS Jocelyn Benson Conducts Unlawful Elections

ByPatrick Colbeck



By Patrick Colbeck


Per MCL 168.31, the Michigan Secretary of State is the head election official in the state. If the head election official issues directives regarding the conduct of elections in Michigan that violate the law, is it reasonable to assert that the elections executed under those guidelines are lawful? No.


As a point of fact, Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s current Secretary of State, has already been found in violation of the law by five separate court decisions. Individually, each of these cases would be concerning, but collectively they indicate a pattern of lawlessness that needs to be addressed if we are to have any confidence in the conduct of our elections under her guidance.


In this post, we will examine the evidence in support of the assertion that elections in Michigan have been conducted in an unlawful manner since Jocelyn Benson assumed the position as Secretary of State on January 1, 2019. All elections conducted under her direction should be examined closely to determine whether or not the rightful winners of those elections have been lawfully determined. The consequences of such examination are potentially significant. Multiple courts have previously ruled that the unlawful conduct of elections nullifies the subsequent election results.

FACT: Courts Have Repeatedly Found MI SoS in Violation of Law


The following court cases applicable to the 2020 and 2022 election cycles feature Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson as a defendant. Links to applicable court documents have been provided to assist in further examination of the evidence provided. The rulings issued by the judges in the following lawsuits constitute statements of fact. They are not conjecture.