Churchill in USA Congress
Some of his ancestors were American.
"Trust the People"
Churchill in USA Congress
Some of his ancestors were American.
"Trust the People"
link? sauce?
Just think. If BO and Jim failed to do a good job.
Thank you jim, Thank you BO
Thank you Baker.
We're reaching some crucial times.
Lord protect us.
Churchill REALLY triggers
oh Right, Winston C. stood up to the fucking National Socialists a generation or two ago?!
Look how the FakeNews staged Che Guavara's death photo photoshoot.
How much does your gut scream "Fake Death" after viewing these whistlerblower releases.
That's time magazine and "Newsweak" for you
goin back 50 = 60 years.
No wonder the public is so fucked -up?
It's all how they crop the images, with bussed in, paid for crowds.
somebody's getting in trouble for "Tone"?
"Don't look at me in that tone of voice" paranoia!
Creepy marker.
CBS run by spooks, for how long?
is from "Who Killed CBS?" by Peter Boyer
archive back up down
still buy it amazon
hope everybody's downloading and saving offline.