Browder is a Jew. The Jew would never be in the position they are in now where they are inches away from total destruction if they had just avoided the desire to rape Russia one more fucking time. But they could not stop their greed. They controlled the USSR but they wanted to rape it once again for profit so they brought the whole East down. Not to free them from communism which is a Jewish construct but to raid the peoples of these land once again.
Russian Oligarch is just code for Carpet Bagging Jews. Sweeping in from the North like a plague of Locust to steal everything of value in the South….oh sorry forgot what Jew treason I was talking about…oh yeah. Russia Oligarch is just code for Jew stealing everything in Russia.
Putin is Putin ing a stop to that shit.
Everything leads back to Jews. Face the Facts.
Waterloo….England won battle….lost their country to the Jew.
Masons created America……infiltrated by the Jewish Franfurt Illuminati in every way possible. In the Frankfurt School…..no coincidence the Critial Theory was created in Franfurt….it is Jewish.
It is the Jews. All of it.