I love articles like this. The hubris of the Chosen Ones™ is off the fucking charts in the comments. They really do think they're superior to everyone else. It's fucking hilarious.
>I said a bread or two ago, if you put the link or source of that, it would be notable. Oh well
Actually that was me, Faggot. I even have the receipts. Why are you pretending to be me, Anon?
>How did they know which boxcar had the flat screen TVs in it?
Blacks can smell free electronics, Anon. That's how they always know where the Best Buys are during riots.
I wasn't addressing (you), unless you're admitting you IP hop?
>Good night idiot since you posted two anon links, really are you that resentful?
Neither of which were (you), Anon. Unless you're saying you IP Hop, Faggot.