These Theo Von clips sound a little like poetry. But I could be just high.
Miss those mean tweets man
He is a linguist
Of only you could Call them what they are which is Nazi. As In Ashkenazi.
AshkeNAZI went up to Germany. The others went into Italy and southern areas.
Southern as in Spain. Not sure what I put sii on southern.
I think it was Sephardic which is Pharisee. SePHARdic. AshkeNAZI
Anon is just tracking, but where is this green text from? Was this from todays rally?
Schumer is an AshkeNAZI. Fact. We really need to start calling them Nazi.
The term "nazi" had been in use, before the rise of the NSDAP, as a colloquial and derogatory word for a backwards farmer or peasant.
The immigrants or Ashkenazi were the peasants.
Based vidya