Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 1:10 a.m. No.21750884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


However, what the mainstream coporate media avoid, despite the evidence is that Gloria Vanderbilt was a powerful figure in the satanic cult, the illuminati. Gloria was actually Grand High Priestess for the East Quadrant of the United States.


It's not surprising her taste in jewelry was not examined by the supine corporate mockingbird media.


David Rockefeller’s Chilling 1991 Speech At A Bilderberg Meeting


We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.It would have been impossible for us to developour plan for the worldif we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward aworld government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 1:36 a.m. No.21750930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0937 >>1457

Vanderbilts, the Whitneys, Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan, all illuminati families paid large sums of money to paedophile Billy Graham in his 1954 Crusade. See Billy Graham – Pedophile, Illuminati, Luciferian and Monarch Slave Programmer




Example of stupid sh–: Biltmore has an indoor 70k gallon swimming pool, but technology of the time didn’t allow for a proper cleaning system. So they know how to fill the pool, heat the pool, and light the pool, but anyone who took eigth grade biology should know what happens to sitting water, especially in a humid environment after a couple days.


The reality of the “swimming pool” is more disturbing as the pictures illustrate. It apparently has boat door access, from behind where all the photos are taken, but only a small rowing boat access, so this is used as a cover, but it does mean perhaps that it can be identified from outside.


Yes the tiles are rectangular as oppose to square in the painting, but it is unimportant whether this is the exact pool in the panting, it is the same activities that go on, though of course it is not the only ritual “pool” with hanging ropes for abusing children.


It is used for blood draining, killing pit, sacrifice pit, or child torture and sacrifice pit would also accurately describe the events that happen there.


Jessie Czebotar, brought up and trained to be the Queen Mother of Darkness observed one such ritual at the Vanderbilt blood draining pool…


When I observed one of these rituals, they had a Rothschild twelve year old being initiated. He was hanging from the main ladder area. The other children were various ages, all under 12, most around age six to ten. I remember there being five children hung on each side of pool, and then four random kids who were tossed in, that made thirteen kids, one for each bloodline. The fourteenth representing the 14th bloodline, the Muslim brotherhood.


(Graphic and trigger warning) These random kids were last to be killed…they had no way out…one time I saw this event, the area was filled with blood and guts, and body parts. The four random children had to try to make their way around all the blood and gore while they slipped and got more and more covered in blood. One of the kids even tried to use a hanging child to climb out. Once the child initiated was released, he killed the four children. The initiated child was like an animal and pounced and used his teeth to rip into each child’s neck and jugular to kill them.


They eat them alive and raw…so children are all eaten and torn apart while alive.


Sorry for the graphic details….I tried to make as reader friendly as possible…this certainly does not do justice to the horrors and yet, I don’t know if I can put into words all that really happened there.


But this should give a feel for how good these people are at living dual lives…they invest in others, they build communities…they engage with people on a normal level…they earn trust…


The child being intitiated is told their life was purchased with the blood of others. Ritual includes them knowingly or being forced to eat flesh. After being raped they are cut down and they bathe in the blood of other children killed. This is not always the first time, but usually first time the child “chooses” to engage in ritual orgy with men, women, and demons.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 1:40 a.m. No.21750937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0949 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Bloodline Hierarchy – Childrens Rituals


Heirarchy children go through three rituals.


The first is called Moonchild ritual, done in the womb. Trauma is caused by loud noise or injury to mothers stomach, or induce early labor. They believe the trauma forms the first demonic link or connection to child.


The second is at age five or six, this is where child is initiated into family name. If child has more than one bloodline, the families decide which is the main line that will invest and train the child, this family sponsors the child and the child is connected to that family line ancestral demons.


The ceremony at age 12 is the Third Rite. Twelve is an important age, considered adulthood or rite of passage age. It usually entails child getting raped by head of the family line while hung upside down in ropes. Blood of other children who are gutted are poured over them.


Red Shoes


A brief explanation of red shoes. It is human skin. The red shoe wearers are connected to those who are Jesuit cabal 9th circle members.


Pope in red shoes and gold maltese cross


Some definitions


Esoteric means it is specialised or hidden knowledge only meant to be understood by a small amount of people

Philosophy is the belief

Symbology is the visual sign representing the belief

The red signifies several things in illuminati belief structure


The sun or sun god Ra is also spelled as Re, so Re-De (Latin spelling) means Ra RE- surrection and De-Descent (philosophy of “As above so it is below”)

The shoes also go to their esoterical like philosophies about life on this earth and after this life. They believe the “life energy” of an individual is in the blood, thus the red colour.

When the red shoes are worn in ritual, usually there is a red door they must go through to bring the soul to Ra or Lucifer. The red door is seen as the gateway to life. So with that you have hidden images like the Masonic symbol with the red in the background that the G rests on. This red background represents the door to knowledge.


There are two philosophies that this breaks down into.


First spiritually if you kill the victim, you now possess their life force both physically and spiritually. As the keeper of their soul (or sole put into shoes), you embody their life energy. All souls are seen as “travellers”, so you now possess the rights to travel their journeys. Each soul is seen as a orphan, so now that you possess this orphaned soul, you have the right to bring it in its journey into Ra’s house or temple, this giving death and rebirth to a soul for Lucifer or Ra.

Secondly the physical aspect is that the Bible tells us, “I the Lord will give you every place the sole of your feet shall tread” from Book of Joshua. It was Gods promise to Israel pertaining to the new land. So taking the soul in the spiritual claims them spiritual soul ground, and wearing the soul physically they believe gives them rights to physical ground.

So not just their feet, it’s almost like a double claim, the one wearing the shoes claims all things for themselves as well as all things for the one they keep the soul of.


But these people wear their victims more than just in their shoes. Bones are put in incinerator under Catholic Churches where rituals are and pressurized into diamonds. For more research look into the rings of the pope, Cardinal, and bishops.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 1:46 a.m. No.21750949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0965 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457

Ninth Circle


ALL TOP hierarchy are 9th circle. Each position, each number has implications in the spiritual and physical world in the Luciferians belief system. Warning there are some highly graphic parts.


You can read more similar accounts to this in the witness testimonies from the few survivors who escaped the Satanists and Pedophiles in Provo, Utah in the documentation regarding the David Hamblin case.



Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 1:56 a.m. No.21750965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0979 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Continuation of the witches and warlocks dig into Asheville, North Carolina


Glorias Death and Succession


What did Q mean by that –Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past is somehow making news of late?


Was there some connection between her death and what Q had discussed in his/her posts?

Is Q making a connection between her death and the fact that they posted about her?

Vanderbilt was reported to have died from stomach cancer.


High level individuals in the illuminati have successors, chosen many years in advance, even before they themselves succeed to a role. It is vitally important for the successor to be at their death. They believe if successor is present and breathes in the dying persons last breath then the successor inherits all their demons and powers. Yes sick but this is what they do.


Gloria’s successor was supposed to be Hillary Clinton and yet apparently she was not present at Gloria’s death.


Contrary to the source in a previous post that said Hillary Clinton was a Mother of Darkness, what is more recent and I think accurate information is that she is just a High Priestess. This confusion could have arisen as the word Mother can refer to High Priestess, Grand High Priestess and Mothers of Darkness.


Hillary aka Nightingale in the Illuminati, as exposed by Obama himself, was however due to be successor to Gloria Vanderbilt. Against custom Hillary was not there at the death to breathe in Glorias dying breath. This perhaps indicates that Glorias death was no planned and that the Illuminati were unaware it could happen soon.


Interestingly was 95 which is the one of the numbers in Illuminati indicating Saturn or Satan. Also Gloria died on the 17th, and Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, make of that what you will.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:04 a.m. No.21750979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0982 >>0984 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457



So this left Gloria’s position open. None of the other high priestesses who could run for her position were there either to draw her last breath.


Amongst possible successors were Kathy Griffin, Beyonce and an alliterate yachty with high connections, now doing voice overs. Perhaps more of this in a future post.


Decoding Gloria’s Shrine


So finally onto the shrine at the head of Gloria’s bed.


These images similar to and including the ones Q posted are from a series taken by Jack Robinson on a bed in their home, Southampton, Long Island, New York, March 30, 1972. they feature Gloria, her sons Anderson (presently propaganda outfit CNN’s anchor) and Carter Cooper (1965 – 1988)


I will refer to this image as the Jesuit Image


This images provenance is unknown. A Tineye reverse image search shows only one source on the internet, from Oct 08, 2014 from a page no longer present.


I cannot read the writing at the bottom of the image, anyone who can please comment or contact me.


This picture is part of the one with best magnification.


To gain sufficient understanding of the Vanderbilt shrine, it is necessary to identify each of the objects and find out their Christian meaning.


I will first show the similarities between Christian imagery and the Catholic / Jesuit image as well as the Vanderbilt shrine, then afterwards outline the other major influences.


The Catholic image is clearly based in the tradition of Christian symbolism about the Arma Christa, the weapons of Christ or the Instruments of the Passion. These are the objects associated with Jesus‘ Passion. There is no definitive list of what events are in the Passion but broadly it is events around the time of Jesus’s betrayal, Crucifixion and burial. Typically they surround either a cross or a figure of Christ of the Man of Sorrows type.


Arma Christi (“Weapons of Christ”), or the Instruments of the Passion, are the objects associated with Jesus‘ Passion in Christian symbolism and art. They are seen as arms in the sense of heraldry, and also as the weapons Christ used to achieve his conquest over Satan. There is a group, at a maximum of about 20 items, which are frequently used in Christian art, especially in the Late Middle Ages. Typically they surround either a cross or a figure of Christ of the Man of Sorrows type, either placed around the composition, or held by angels


The prime member, the Cross, had been introduced to Christian art in the 4th century as the crux invicta, a symbol of victory. As a group they have a long tradition in iconography, dating back to the 9th century; the Utrecht Psalter of 830 is an example, though the only one from the Early Middle Ages known to Gertrud Schiller. This reflected an increase in theological interest in the sufferings of Christ at the time. The Middle English poem Arma Christi, which appeared before the end of the 14th century, exists in fifteen manuscripts, attesting to its popularity, of which seven are engrossed in highly unusual scroll form, designed to be displayed in church as a pictorial aid to public devotion; manuscripts of Arma Christi are generally accompanied by illustrations of the instruments, viewing of which, according to the texts, granted indulgence of a certain number of days in Purgatory to come.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:06 a.m. No.21750984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0986 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Satanists relished in the tools of Christ's wounding as it is their only victory, but His Resurrection they reject.


Relics of the most important items had a long history, dating back to the Empress Helena‘s discovery of the True Cross in the early 4th century. Relics claiming to be the Holy Lance, Holy Sponge, Holy Chalice and nails from the cross were all venerated well before 1000, and were to proliferate in later centuries. There was a wave of new relics in the West at the time of the Crusades, and a further wave as the Instruments became featured more prominently in devotional literature and practices in the 14th century.[3]


In art the Instruments either surrounded an image of Christ in andachtsbilder subjects such as the Man of Sorrows, or might appear by themselves – often the image of Christ’s face on the Veil of Veronica was the focal point of the image. In both cases the purpose of the representations was to symbolize the sufferings of Christ during his Passion. They had the practical advantage for less accomplished artists of being much easier to represent than human figures, and were no doubt often treated as a subject an apprentice could be left to do. Possibly the earliest representation of the isolated instruments laid out across a space is in a drawing in a German manuscript of about 1175, where they are to one side of a Christ in Majesty.[4] In devotional books they were sometimes, by the Late Middle Ages, shown one at a time, accompanying one of the many texts that devoted meditations in turn to the episodes in which each had been used, before culminating in a figure subject with Jesus.[5] Miniature versions of the objects were attached to rosaries and crucifixes, and used as aids to contemplation of the suffering of Christ.


The Instruments


Depictions of the Instruments of the Passion may include many combinations of those following (though the cross of Jesus is almost always represented). A primary group of the most frequently used instruments can be distinguished:


The Cross on which Jesus was crucified (True Cross), either depicted alone or with the crosses of the two thieves

The Crown of Thorns

The pillar or column where Jesus was whipped in the Flagellation of Christ

The whip(s), in Germany often birches, used for the 39 lashes

The Holy Sponge set on a reed, with which gall and vinegar were offered to Jesus

The Holy Lance with which a Roman soldier inflicted the final of the Five Wounds in his side

The Nails, inflicting four wounds on the hands and feet

The Veil of Veronica

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:08 a.m. No.21750986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1003 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Other common ones celebrated by Satanists are:


The reed which was placed in Jesus’ hand as a sceptre in mockery

The purple robe of mockery

The Titulus Crucis, attached to the Cross. It may be inscribed in Latin (INRI, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum), Greek, Hebrew, or some other language.

The Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus at The Last Supper, and which some traditions say Joseph of Arimathea used to catch his blood at the crucifixion

The Seamless robe of Jesus

The dice with which the soldiers cast lots for Christ’s seamless robe

The rooster (cock) that crowed after Peter’s third denial of Jesus

The vessel used to hold the gall and vinegar

The ladder used for the Deposition, i.e. the removal of Christ’s body from the cross for burial

The hammer used to drive the nails into Jesus’ hands and feet

The pincers used to remove the nails

The vessel of myrrh, used to anoint the body of Jesus, either by Joseph of Arimathea or by the Myrrhbearers

The shroud used to wrap the body of Jesus before burial

The sun and moon, representing the eclipse which occurred during the Passion

Thirty pieces of silver (or a money bag), the price of Judas’ betrayal

A spitting face, indicating the mockery of Jesus

The hand which slapped Jesus’ face

The chains or cords which bound Jesus overnight in prison

The lantern or torches used by the arresting soldiers at the time of the betrayal, as well as their swords and staves

The sword used by Peter to cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant. Sometimes a human ear is also represented.

Sometimes the heads or hands of figures from the Passion are shown, including Judas, Caiaphas, or the man who mocked Christ spitting in Christ’s face. The washing hands of Pontius Pilate may be shown. The Lorenzo Monaco painting below has several such images.

The trumpet played for mocking Christ on the Way to Calvary.

Instead of a Man of Sorrows in the Catholic / Jesuitical image there is Lady in Black.


Figure in Black


The figure in black appears to represent the Mary, Lady of Sorrows. Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows became a standard devotion in the Church around the 14th century. It was revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373) that devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Seven Sorrows would bring great signal graces.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:13 a.m. No.21751003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1010 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457



White Headdress & Burial Cloth are draped over the cross


Objects at top


The objects at the top of the Vanderbilt shrine are hard to distinguish, but a check on the Jesuit image reveals their identity.


Heart, shown with flames and in the Jesuit image with seven swords and initials INRI



Dice with numbers 1, 5 and 4 showing

INRI represents the Latin inscription IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which in English translates to “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”


The dice with which the soldiers cast lots for Christ’s seamless robe

The lantern or torches used by the arresting soldiers at the time of the betrayal, as well as their swords and staves


The Titulus Crucis, attached to the Cross. It may be inscribed in Latin (INRI, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum), Greek, Hebrew, or some other language.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:16 a.m. No.21751010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1022 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


The Sacred Heart Symbol - It is through His Love and Mercy (text at bottom)


The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart shining with divine light, pierced by the lance-wound, encircled by the crown of thorns, surmounted by a cross, and bleeding. Sometimes, the image is shown shining within the bosom of Christ with his wounded hands pointing at the heart. The wounds and crown of thorns allude to the manner of Jesus’ death, while the fire represents the transformative power of divine love.



The sacred heart is one of the most widely practiced and well-known Catholic devotions, wherein the heart of Jesus is viewed as a symbol of “God’s boundless and passionate love for mankind”.[1]


The popularization of this devotion in its modern form is derived from a Catholic nun from France, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who said she learned the devotion from Jesus during a series of apparitions to her between 1673 and 1675,[3] and later, in the 19th century, from the mystical revelations of another Catholic nun in Portugal, Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart, a religious of the Good Shepherd, who requested in the name of Christ that Pope Leo XIII consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Sister Margaret Mary went to her cell, bared her breast, and, imitating her illustrious and saintly foundress, cut with a knife the name of Jesus above her heart


Upset by the fact that the wounds which she had cut into her breast were beginning to fade, she attempted to reopen the original wounds on more than one occasion using a knife. But, having failed to open them to her liking, she decided to burn her chest with fire.


Sister Mary of the Divine Heart had received a message from Christ, requesting the pope to consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart. Sister Mary of the Divine Heart died in her monastery in Portugal when the Church was singing the first vespers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 8 June 1899. The following day, Pope Leo XIII consecrated the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


The Catholic acts of consecration, reparation, and devotion were introduced when the feast of the Sacred Heart was declared. In his papal bull Auctorem fidei, Pope Pius VI praised devotion to the Sacred Heart. Finally, Leo XIII in his encyclical Annum sacrum (25 May 1899), as well as on June 11, consecrated every human to the Sacred Heart.


The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a Catholic ceremony in which a priest or head of a household consecrates the members of the household to the Sacred Heart. An image of the Sacred Heart that has been blessed, either a statue or a picture, is then placed in the home as a reminder.


The Feast of the Sacred Heart is a solemnity in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. It falls 19 days after Pentecost, on a Friday, in 2020a Friday June 19th


The reported messages of Our Lady of Fatima said that the Heart of Jesus wished to be honoured together with the Heart of Mary.


In his Angelus address on 15 September 1985, John Paul II coined the term The Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary


The heart in the Jesuit image, has seven swords in, which is used in Christian imagery to represent the seven sorrows of Mary.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:22 a.m. No.21751022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1033 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Differences between Gloria Vanderbilt's shrine to Antichrist vs the Jesuit Image


The big differences from the Vanderbilt shrine to the Jesuit image are:


No Jesus Lost in Temple sorrow

No Jesus crucified on the cross sorrow

No Jesus with crown of thorns shown on the Veil of Veronica

No large cross

No INRI inscription

No 7 swords



Figure in a grave or coffin repaces Jesus in Temple

Black rectangle

Crossbeam instead of cross

Sun, moon and stars

There is a dove at the top, with 5 rays of sunshine

A red cross replaces crucifixion of Jesus

Head, or a similar veil with the head of a man without a crown of thorns, John the Baptist

Tasselated borders

Check pattern of wallpaper as background

Also cross on crown of figure in black and no crosses on sorrows.

So the Vanderbilt Shrine appears to have been stripped of Jesus as well as the Sorrows of Mary. In their place are freemasonic symbols.


“All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the (Jewish)

Kabalah… everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of

all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and

others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations

owe to it their secrets and their symbols.” – Morals and Dogma of the Ancient

and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:28 a.m. No.21751033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1048 >>1067 >>1296 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Other differences between the Jesuit image and GB's shrine




Note the colours on the Vanderbilt Shrine, Red, Black, White, Pink (red and white) and straw colour of natural materials of cork, wood and rafia. Red and Black are colours used as satanic colours.


Seven Sorrows


The Jesuit image depicts three of the Sorrows,


Jesus was “lost” and found in the temple of Jerusalem

Jesus being taken down from the cross

Jesus being laid to rest.

Sorrow – Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem


Instead of Jesus in the Temple, the Vanderbilt shrine has a man lying down in a grave or coffin. Replacing Jesus learning and teaching in the temple with others, inside a circle, in the Vanderbilt shrine is a man in a coffin or grave, on top of a black rectangle, with triangles surrounding them both.Instead of Jesus in the Temple, the Vanderbilt shrine has a man lying down in a grave or coffin. Replacing Jesus learning and teaching in the temple with others, inside a circle, in the Vanderbilt shrine is a man in a coffin or grave, on top of a black rectangle, with triangles surrounding them both.


This is a representation of the antiChrist, above the black hole of hell.


Sorrow – The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary


Instead of the crucifixion of Jesus with a cross on top of the circle, the Vanderbilt shrine has a red cross without Jesus and no cross on top.


The red cross is a templar and masonic symbol.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:37 a.m. No.21751048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1051 >>1296 >>1344 >>1386 >>1422 >>1457


Heart is probably signifying John the Baptists heart. Freemasons believe he was one of the first freemasons. Kesha drinks out of a heart. Soccer players also do some weird heart rituals….


Deeper meanings here I can't really go into in lieu of time, but here's my sources

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:46 a.m. No.21751056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1059


A similar head also appears in different cultures. The necklace is similar to a headress worn by the Queen Mother of Darkness in some ceremonies, made of aborted foetus skulls.


Linked to previous Kali Kamala and Wall-E rap song I made.


Kali Kamala's real motto is Destroyer of What Can Be, Unburdened by What Has Been


Don't forget this statue exists at CERN

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:49 a.m. No.21751059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1061 >>1065


They chose Kamala for a reason.


They want her to win at all costs. And if they don't win, they're going to try to flip the table in a rage quit.


It's all a spell woven long ago in India.


It's the Matriarchy vs the Patriarchy and the kids are caught in the middle.

Anonymous ID: 5623b2 Oct. 12, 2024, 2:55 a.m. No.21751067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1296


Summary on what we covered this morning regarding Gloria Vanderbilt's Shrine comparing it to another iconoclastic Jesuit image


Interpretation/ Summary


Recap – The big differences between Vanderbilt image Jesuit Image are


No Jesus Lost in Temple sorrow

No Jesus crucified on the cross sorrow

No Jesus with crown of thorns shown on the Veil of Veronica

No large cross

No INRI inscription

No 7 swords

No crosses on top of the circles

No cross on lady in black’s robe



Figure in a grave or coffin replaces Jesus in Temple

Black rectangle

Crossbeam instead of cross

Sun, moon and stars

There is a dove at the top, with 5 rays of sunshine

A red cross replaces crucifixion of Jesus

Head, or a similar veil with the head of a man without a crown of thorns, John the Baptist

Tasselated borders

Check pattern of wallpaper as background

So the Vanderbilt Shrine appears to have been stripped of Jesus and the Sorrows of Mary. In their place are freemasonic symbols. After having laboriously trawled through various symbolism, what can it all mean?


Even high level operatives of the cult, apart from the very highest are compartmentalised as well as mind controlled, and learn mainly the symbolism relevant to their own roles and those they have to undertake. Furthermore it depends on which departmental branch the person was raised in as to what the symbolism means to them. I have only covered Jesuit/Catholic, freemasonic, and perhaps some aspects of Satanist and Cabal and not specifically any Mormon influences.


Satanists not only live a double life, but will offer different personas to many different people or situations. They are brought up in a life of fear, deception and lies and make up meanings for symbols to suit the occasion. The whole system is based on deception.


Although the very highest levels may have different personas that they portray eg in their cover lives, they do not have multiple personalities, they are not dissociative or mind controlled. They have to observe the mind control system and techniques but would not be allowed to proceed if they dissociate.