Sacred Numbers, Symbolism and Form are Independent of Language by Randall Carlson
Sacred Numbers, Symbolism and Form are Independent of Language by Randall Carlson
94 more than Poroshenko's vampire puppet
The resolution will not be televised or taught in shule
What kind of "exam", aptitude, ideology or physical?
She named him Gregor. That's a pretty good indicator.
Steve can probably get Folgers instant coffee in commissary. The mess serves colored water.
Her staff turnover rate tells the true story.
Just do away with "federal funding programs" and let soveriegn citizens spend their own earnings the way they want. Sue Fuckerberg for invasion of privacy x 1 trillion
The highest paid shrinks work in pedowood.
You'll know if the FAA kicks in your door or if you stick a phone in it, running an app to record hieght