Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.21752395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The result is creating a political problem at the EU level_2005-05-31


Hello Anya,


How are you? Busy I think ? I am busy too with my exames .

The vote was predictable, although President Jacques Chirac made an

extraordinary effort to get it positive. The result is creating a

political problem at the EU level and is delaying the institutional

evolution of the EU, especially if the Netherlands also gives a negative

vote. We can draw a conclusion out of this negative result of the vote:

without the involvement and the awareness raising of its people of the

individual and global perspectives, the EU construction is fated to

failure ", President Traian Basescu says. He appreciates that the EU

citizens must be kept informed and that they need to get a clear view of

the European political projects, as it is only this way Member States

citizens are willing to support these projects. As far as Romania is

concerned, the chief of State states that, categorically, the failure of

the French referendum and, possibly, of the Dutch one, do not have any

influence on the Romania's accession time, considering that all the 25

Member States signed the Accession Treaty on 25 April. In President

Basescu's opinion, Romania's accession to the EU depends on the people's

capacity to associate themselves with the objectives of the integration

into EU, which means that Romania will need to fulfill all the commitments

assumed during the negotiations. "The Government alone cannot reach the

objective of Romania's membership to the EU", Basescu says. He also adds

that "if we go in the street and we say "no" when there are price

increases at the electrical power, according to the obligations assumed,

well, this will be a lost objective; if we say "no" again when the

subvention in the mining sector is cut off, then it's another lost

objective; if the restructuring of the iron smelting generates another

"no" from the population; or if when the State authorities try to

eliminate the big corruption, political parties, media the business

community are opposing those measures, by spoiling and intimidating the

actions of the State's legal institutions, well, then the EU membership

will definitely remain only a desiderate and not a real aim. The Chief of

State shows that it is for sure the vote regarding the EU Constitution

does not have any influence on the application by both sides - Romania and

the 25 Member States - of Romania's Accession Treaty.


Talk with you soon,

Paula Nistor

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 10:59 a.m. No.21752398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Date 2005-03-07 21:14:19




Hello Anya,


How are you ? I am ok. My exams went ok, thank you. What I can tell you about NATO is that definately, romanians think that Romania is more secure and more safe. I don't know what to say about Basescu because he and his team didn't did so many things yet (because they didn't had enough time) so we cant have an opinion. They are trying to do everything that EU asked us to do in order to be a part of EU.


Usualy in Romania when a party wins the elections, they change a lot of things in the country. They put their peoples in all the important pozitions from the country.They changed the peoples from some of these pozitions but not all of them. ( I think that because they don't have enough prepared people ) ( for exemple, my father is working in a hospital, and they will change the director from the hospital , the director from now is from PSD )


In Cluj nothing is new,everything is the same. I want to ask yuo something ( maybe you can help me). Usualy, every month I recive from Stratfor 100 $ but I don't know what happened because I didn't recived the money in february and in march. (I don't know what to do ,bacause I didn't talked with Dr Friedman latley )Maybe you can help

me.Thank you.


Talk with you soon


Paula Nistor.

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 10:59 a.m. No.21752402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Cluj nothing is new,everything is the same.

I want to ask yuo something ( maybe you can help me). Usualy, every month

I recive from Stratfor 100 $ but I don't know what happened because I

didn't recived the money in february and in march. (I don't know what to

do ,bacause I didn't talked with Dr Friedman latley )Maybe you can help

me.Thank you.


Talk with you soon


Paula Nistor.

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 11 a.m. No.21752404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

signing of the treaty on accession to the European Union 2005-04-26


Yesterday Romania and Bulgaria left behind status as candidates and became

states about to get accession, once with the signing of the treaty on

accession to the European Union. The treaty-signing ceremony took place

last evening at 5:00. Neumunster Abbey in Luxembourg hosted the event. The

ceremony opened with the hymn of Wilhelmus grand-dukal House. Ruxandra

Bazac, Romanian-origin mezzo-soprano living in Luxembourg sang it. Then a

Bulgarian chorus sang the European hymn. The treaty -signing took almost

90 minutes, as 85 officials were to sign the document. The Romanian

delegation in Luxembourg was led by Romanian President Traian Basescu and

Prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Romanian Minister of Foreign

Affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu and negotiator-in-chief for EU Leonard

Orban were also delegation members. The latter signed the document as

official representatives of Romania. Except for the four persons mentioned

above, Tariceanu was accompanied by ten ministers. Here are some of them:

State Ministers Marko Bela and George Copos, Minister of Integration Ene

Dinga, Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs Vasile Blaga and

Ministress of Justice Monica Macovei.


In his brief speech after the treaty-signing Jose Manuel

Barroso, President of the European Commission, expressed hope that Romania

and Bulgaria would succeed in meeting even the most complicated EU

requirements, in terms of reforms in fields like Justice and

administration. Barroso stated: " I know it has been a tiring, exhausting

way. The Union and its members states set standards for new comers. And

they have got reasons to do this: now more than ever, the Union is not

just a community of states, but one of citizens. Their success triggers

welfare in the daily life of people". Barroso added that out of such

reasons the Commission had to be unrelenting at times and outline flaws.

After the treaty signing ceremony, officials present in Luxembourg

attended diner in the Luxembourg Palace, together with Their Royal

Highnesses the Grand Duke and Duchess.


Now , at 5 pm ( Romanian hour ) expired the time (4 days) that the

kidnappers gave to Romania to retier the romanian troups from Irak . I am

waiting to see,what will hapen. I realy hope that they will set them free

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 11 a.m. No.21752405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Romanian journalists freed from Iraq would return home today_2005-05-24


Hello Anya


I think that you remember that I wrote you in my last emails about the

romanian journalist that were kidnapped in Irak.

Yesterday president Traian Basescu stated at Cotroceni Palace: "Romania

authorities are in control of the Romanian citizens and provides them with

security till their return". The president said the Romanian journalists

freed from Iraq would return home today. The take-of time from Baghdad was

to be set together with the allied forces in Iraq. Basescu stated that

yesterday at 4:30 p.m. a Hercules plane belonging to the Defense Ministry

took off for Baghdad and was to land at about 9:00 p.m. The president said

that for security reasons he had decided not to take the Romanian

journalists from the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad to the airport at night.

When they arrive to Romania today journalists are to be protected by

antiterro troops. Basescu also mentioned that in order to release the

kidnapped "the Romanian state did not negotiate on present or future

foreign affairs policy" and did not pay ransom. The Romanian president

thanked the relatives of the three journalists for "decent and appropriate

public behavior." He stated: "Their behavior has significantly contributed

to the calmness of those whose duty and mission has been to try to being

back home the Romanian citizens." Basescu also expressed his tanks to the

Romanian secret services: " The operation has been carried out by the

Romanian secret services 100%. There has been excellent collaboration of

SRI (the Romanian Secret Service), SIE (the Foreign Intelligence Service)

and the Army Information Department. All my thanks to the antiterro group

detached in Baghdad and to the soldiers in Talil sent there to take over

the Romanian hostages." The Romanian president also thanked investigators

and prosecutors who did their job.


Talk to you soon,

Paula Nistor

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 11 a.m. No.21752407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Persuade the party into the idea of democracy_2005-04-24


As I wrote you in my previous email ,now I will write you something about

the elections from PSD.Mircea Geoana is the new president of PSD (the

Social-Democrat Party). Adrian Nastase and Ion Iliescu are his

subordinates now. Geoana has humiliated them both. He humiliated the first

because he lacked courage to run as Iliescu's opponent, just as he caked

the courage to win. He humiliated Iliescu himself because Geoana's victory

has been unexpected. During the Extraordinary Congress of PSD two days

ago, Iliescu was defeated by a PSD vice president that joined the party

only three years ago, unlike Iliescu, who would believe "the party is me"

till some 48 hours ago. Iliescu was defeated a PSD members who a few

months ago he called "a silly boy". For a while Iliescu thought the press

and the "alleged" civil society had got something against him, since he

was continually criticized. But in the last minute has Iliescu become

aware that nobody has got anything against him. In fact, nobody wants him

any more. Nobody wants him to rule the country, PSD or the foreground of



As for the present leader of PSD, he is probably unaware of what he has

got involved in. He got rid of Hrebenciuc and Dan Ioan Popescu who failed

to get elected vice presidents, but he has been left with Mitrea, Nastase

and a lot of local PSD bosses whom he can't keep under control. Geoana is

the diplomat par excellence. He has even managed to persuade the party

into the idea of democracy, which can bring it some more points in opinion

polls, due to a better image. But the problem is that it is not Geoana who

will actually rule the party, for in PSD it is not those who have official

positions that rule, but the influential ones we usually call "bosses."

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.21752411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

King Mihai of Romania_2005-05-09


King Mihai I of Romania is attending Moscow ceremonies at 60

years since the allied force victory in World War II. In an interview to

Russian weekly Moscovkskie Novosti, the former sovereign of Romania asked

that the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact be denounced. King Mihai stated: " I have

no bad feelings for Russia. But I would have liked it to admit that some

initiatives of the Soviet Union were dreadful for the Romanians. And I

would certainly like the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact to be officially

denounced. " This way Romanian President Traian Basescu would get the

opportunity to be registered in the history of Romania as the man who

asked that justice be done to history.


King Mihai of Romania is the last survivor of those heads of states

involved in World War II. In 145 he was one of the head of states fighting

against Nazi Germany. In the first stage of WW II Romania participated in

the invasion of the Soviet Union. One year, before, the latter had

illegally occupied Basarabia. Under the Soviet troop pressure, in August

23rd 1944, 23-year old King Mihai got army and party support to deprive

Marshal Ion Antonescu of power, although the latter was secretly

negotiating a pact with the allied forces. Stalin awarded King Mihai with

the highest award in the Soviet Union: the Victoria Order. The Communist

who presently came to power in Bucharest forced King Mihai into abdication

in 1947. Today the King is in Moscow. He is thus continuing his 8-day

journey meant to honor the memory of Romanian soldiers who died in WW

II.King Mihai is borned in the same day with me, the 10 th of may.( this

is funny )


I don't know why, but I didn't recived the money ( 100 $) this month.

Maybe you can help me. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: a1248a Oct. 12, 2024, 11:02 a.m. No.21752414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Date 2004-11-18 03:03:02




FW: Answer


-Original Message-

From: paula nistor []

Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:57 PM

To: George Friedman

Subject: Answer



How are you ? I am ok, I was busy with an exam but now is ok. ( I am free)

In my town, Targu Mures ( is a town from Transylvania ) are living

many hungarians. Almost 40% from the population of Targu Mures are

hungarians. ( that's why I speak hungarian ,because I have many hungarian

friends ) Now in targu Mures the hungarians have their own high school,

they learn in hungarian at the university, some streets have hungarian

name, they have many rights. In all the stores the shop assistant speaks

romanian and hungarian. ( but they think that is not enough)

In Cluj, for the last 12 years, the mayor was Gheorghe Funar. He was

hating the hungarians, and the only things that he did while he was mayor

was to show his hate. He put the romanian flag all over the place ( on

every pillar ), he painted the benches from Cluj in the colors of the

romanian flag, even the trash cans were painted in the colors of the

romanian flag. Now, in Cluj we have a new mayor Emil Boc( he is a good

mayor), he is doing a lot of things for the town. The fact that the people

didn't vote with Gheorghe Funar anymore proves that something changed.

I don't think that something changed because Hungary is now part of

EU. I personally think that Hungary deserve it. I think also that all the

romanians that visited Hungary ( because I did ) think like me because

between Romania and Hungary is a big difference.


I am really sorry because I answered so late at your email but I was

busy with an exam.

Talk with you soon. Sorry again.


Paula Nistor

