Obama is trying to kill Trump
So biblical.
Saul not giving up his reign and throwing spears and sending hit squads after David.
Big mike would be slipped in but obama just shot his mouf off and the bros aren't to thrilled .
There is enough noise that touchdown Timmy needs to address the issue in front of cameras
Goya food ceo calls Trump the current president.
Trump sits there and continues to smile away.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Pride (Latin: Superbia): excessive love of oneself, leading to a lack of humility and an excessive desire for power and control.
Envy (Latin: Invidia): resentment and jealousy towards others for their possessions, qualities, or success.
Wrath (Latin: Ira): uncontrolled anger and hatred, leading to violence and harm towards others.
Gluttony (Latin: Gula): overindulgence in food, drink, and other physical desires, leading to a lack of self-control.
Lust (Latin: Luxuria): excessive desire for sexual pleasure, leading to promiscuity and immorality.
Greed (Latin: Avaritia): excessive love of money and material possessions, leading to a lack of generosity and charity.
Sloth (Latin: Acedia): laziness and a lack of motivation, leading to a neglect of one's duties and responsibilities.
Big mike vs killary cage match for veep.
What a surprise
Going for a loop di loop
Timmy hurts
f bombs
You can't toast a tortilla on an electric range.
Vote Trump
50,000 attendance
Americans held by hamas will be returned
Vote Trump
Those two got their shtick worked out.
Dennis quaid up next.
This rally is so successful and second one needs booking before Nov 5th
California needs Trump
Dennis getting teary eyed
Matt throwing haymakers