Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:22 p.m. No.21766554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6592

Germany asked israel to sign ‘genocide clause’ – media


Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Economy Minister Robert Habeck have reportedly “blocked” the deliveries of weapons to the Jewish state


According to Bild, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Economy Minister Robert Habeck were the ones who “blocked new deliveries.” The high-ranking politicians from the Green party reportedly wanted Israel to promise that the weapons would not be used against civilians in Gaza.


“The Israeli government must give the German government a written assurance that arms exports from Germany will not be used for genocide,”Bild said, citing its sources in government and defense circles. West Jerusalem reportedly provided the necessary assurances on Thursday.


German law bans the delivery of weapons to countries where there is danger that they may be used against civilians. “Arms deliveries to Israel are about compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law,” a person familiar with the matter told Politico. “The reason for requesting such a commitment is that a German administrative court could otherwise put a stop to it.”


The revelations sparked criticism from the opposition and the ruling Free Democratic Party, with multiple politicians calling on the Greens and Chancellor Olaf Scholz to “clarify” the situation with weapons exports. “Scholz, as the chairman of the Federal Security Council, also bears responsibility here,” Friedrich Merz, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, told Bild.


Baerbock has publicly backed Israel’s right to defend itself, but stressed in a speech last week that “international humanitarian law and Israel’s right to exist are inextricably linked.”


Israel has been accused of indiscriminately targeting civilians in Gaza, where more than 42,000 Palestinians have been killed since the fighting between Hamas and Israel erupted in October 2023. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has dismissed the allegations of committing a genocide as “absurd,” arguing that Hamas was using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:28 p.m. No.21766590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636 >>6641 >>6643

Well that's convenient to the Israeli Government then isn't it?!


Joe Biden Issues Warning to Iran: “Any Attempt to Kill Donald Trump Is an Act of War”


Joe Biden threatened Iran on Monday, saying there will be consequences in case of another assassination attempt on Donald Trump that can be pinned on the Islamic republic.


According to the Washington Post, US National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett said that Washington had been monitoring Iranian threats against Trump for many years.

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:30 p.m. No.21766598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6672

Putin wants ‘new world order’ – Germany’s top spy


The Russian leader aims to push the US out of Europe, BND head Bruno Kahl said


Moscow’s ultimate goal is to divide NATO and change the existing world order, Bruno Kahl, the chief of Germany foreign intelligence service BND, has said.


Russia has surpassed European states in terms of military spending during its conflict with Ukraine, Kahl told MPs in the Bundestag on Monday. Russian President Vladimir Putin will “continue to test the West’s red lines and further escalate the confrontation,” the top spy claimed. “Direct military confrontation with NATO has become an option for Moscow,” he said.


Last month, Putin announced changes to the Russian nuclear doctrine in response to potential escalation stemming from US military aid to Ukraine, which Moscow already views as a direct participation of NATO in the conflict. The revision came as Kiev continues to pressure Western countries to greenlight the use of foreign-supplied weapons for strikes deep inside Russian territory.


Kohl claimed that the Russian leader’s ultimate aim is to “push the US out of Europe” and restore NATO to its late 1990s borders. Moscow seeks to form a “Russian sphere of influence” and establish a “new world order,” he said.


Russia has repeatedly cited the continuing expansion of NATO eastward as one of the root causes of the conflict, along with the US-led alliance’s military cooperation with Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:33 p.m. No.21766618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6674 >>6761 >>6809

Hurricane Response Proves Volunteerism is Better Than Authoritarianism


Following Hurricane Helene, many private helicopter pilots launched their own search and rescue missions. One would think government officials would welcome the help of these volunteers, but instead they harassed them and even threatened to arrest them!


For example, one private helicopter pilot rescued an individual stranded by Helene. Unfortunately, he was threatened with arrest if he flew his helicopter back into the impacted area to save someone left behind on the earlier flight.


In a video shared by comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore, Jonathan Howard, a member of the Florida State Guard and volunteer for the nonprofit group Aerial Recovery, discussed how the government took credit for the rescue of an 11-day-old baby even though the rescue was done totally by volunteers. Mr. Howard stated that when he goes on a search and rescue mission he sees around forty other private helicopters and just two military helicopters.


One reason the federal government is unable to provide adequate aid to those impacted by Helene (and now Milton) is the government is sending military aid worth billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel. In fact, over 700 members of the Tennessee National Guard are deploying to the Middle East as people in the state deal with damage from Hurricane Helene!


When questioned on Fox News about Helene’s impact, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham made an impassioned plea …. for more aid to Israel. Senator Graham is far from the only member of Congress to put the needs of foreign countries and the military-industrial complex ahead of Americans.


Congress will likely consider a multi-billion-dollar disaster relief bill in the post-election “lame duck” session. Conservative Republicans will (properly) demand the spending be offset by cuts in other spending. The problem is most of these “fiscal conservatives” will vote to increase the national debt to fund the military-industrial-complex.


When I served in Congress, I voted against federal disaster aid even when the disaster impacted my district. Inevitably my office would receive complaints from outraged constituents. After a few months of jumping through the federal government’s bureaucratic hoops in seeking to recover from the disaster, many constituents would call my office to say that they now agree that they would be better off if the government would stop trying to “help” the victims of natural disasters.


One of the helicopter pilots who voluntarily flew into the areas impacted by Helene was Curves fitness chain founder Gary Heavin. Mr. Heavin, in addition to being a successful businessman, is a passionate advocate for liberty who serves on the advisory board of my Institute for Peace and Prosperity. It is not surprising that someone who believes in liberty would be willing to help those in need rather than rely on the government to provide assistance.


Contrary to the lies spread by authoritarians, libertarianism does not require selfishness. Libertarians welcome voluntary action to help those in need. Libertarians object to government assistance because it is based on force. Authoritarianism leads to poverty, war, chaos in the streets, and a lack of compassion for the less fortunate. Liberty leads to prosperity, peace, and a flourishing of private charities.

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:38 p.m. No.21766640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Says Ukraine Kidnapped Over 1000 Kursk Residents, Seeks Whereabouts


The Kremlin has issued a formal accusation saying Ukraine's military has captured and is holding over 1,000 Kursk residents against their will, since launching the cross-border offensive in early August.


Russia's presidential human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova said Monday, "I’ve received messages regarding more than 1,000 such people from relatives trying to find them."


"We know nothing about their fate. This is a gross violation of their rights and international norms of treatment of civilians,” Moskalkova added. She said she plans to raise the issue directly with the Ukrainian government.


"I think it would be useful to remind you that the forced removal of civilians from their places of permanent residence is a gross violation of the Geneva Convention," Moskalkova continued (according to machine translation). "And the world community should probably give this a proper assessment."


Russia has estimated that since the start of the Ukrainian army's attack on its southwest border region, over 112,000 residents have been displaced from their homes.


Social media videos have often confirmed that amid the Ukrainian troop invasion a number of Russians have remained - often elderly people have been spotted, perhaps unable to flee.


Moskalkova has identified that over 12,000 of the displaced Russians are living at temporary displacement shelters in various parts of Russia. Other have been forced to stay with relatives in safe parts of Russia.


Ukraine has claimed that its forces are treating Russian civilians in captured territory humanely. In September Kiev requested that teams from United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) come in and verify the situation in areas of Russia’s Kursk.

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:42 p.m. No.21766665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6671 >>6690 >>6710 >>6761 >>6809

Tim Walz is now facing formal accusations of premeditated s*xual assault after taking a 14-year-old boy to a local concert.


The former student accusing Tim Walz of grooming and molesting him has agreed to go public.


Lawyer Phil Holloway said, “The accuser is going to have to go public. Otherwise, it won’t get any traction other than on X.”


“He has AGREED to. I will announce later.”

Anonymous ID: 8494b3 Oct. 14, 2024, 7:06 p.m. No.21766787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6834

‘Tinfoil Hat’ Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech


On June 29, 2016, CIA Director John Brennan delivered a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations during which he clearly confessed in plain English to the use of geoengineering around the globe. He touts the benefits of spraying aerosol particles in the atmosphere to allegedly reflect sunlight. He then finishes by stating that this technology could cause countries to rise up and oppose one another. This is an admission that they have technology that can manipulate the weather, and even use it as a weapon.