>leave OUR house
and THERE it is…
glowniggers can't help but out themselves
if you think that pic looks like child porn
you need to check YOURSELF, homie
and by pressing this stupid slide
YOU do more damage than good
because YOU diminish the seriousness of ACTUAL child porn
or is THAT your actual intention, pedo?
>You draw up plans.
MOAR retarded slides
there's more than one idiom related to plans
i prefer to hatch mine
>How’s the weather in Tel Aviv today?
somehow i don't think she's walking away from very many meals due to lack of spices
>US Marine Lance Corporal William “Kyle” Carpenter, the man who threw himself in front of a grenade in Afghanistan to protect his best friend
what a mashup of conflicting emotions
love, respect, honor, humility, for his selfless act of heroism to save another
repulsion, anger, pity, helplessness at his stupidity for swallowing the koolaid and joining the army of ZOG in the first place