Who was the Fake Q.
Who was the Real Q.
Why is this important.
Know your drops.
Are they all real.
Who benefits fake decodes.
Who has the loudest voice.
B the light.
Find the truth.
VVe are with you.
Who was the Fake Q.
Who was the Real Q.
Why is this important.
Know your drops.
Are they all real.
Who benefits fake decodes.
Who has the loudest voice.
B the light.
Find the truth.
VVe are with you.
Actually wouldn’t you like to know if you have been lied to? That some of the drops we have covered are fake? That certain conspiracies are just conspiracies?
Also would you not want to root all evil out of our movement? We were infiltrated. Sounds like a worthy reason to dig anon.
I’ll give ya that. Energy is lacking. It’s ok. You don’t have to do shit. VVe will.
Sorry there is no rule book for anons other than our oaths and to be nameless, faceless, fame-less.
Seethe harder. They are words.
No one has credibility here. Having credibility would mean we know each other. You don’t know me and I don’t know you.
Kek, no one assigned me. I have been here since the beginning. I am very well aware of how the boards operate. I am also very aware of the fake Q posts, the real Q posts, the B posts, and everything in between.
Don’t want to see what I have to say, as you say, use the filter