No, you're retarded… EVERYONE is fully aware that not ALL Jews are evil. Fucking duh, moron… Most simply take issue with Jews in general, because the supposed "good Jews" NEVER call out their evil counter-parts, which suggests complicity and support. The might as well sport the uniform of our enemies.
Furthermore, the Talmud absolutely DOES promote pedophilia, theft and worse, against non-Jews. It explicitly states this and is confirmed in supporting texts, such as the Misnah and Gemara. This can be easily verified online, if someone is inclined to see for themselves.
So, fuck off with your holier-than-thou, kumbaya, fake-patriot, bullshit, you LARPing faggot. You don't have the insight for this game.
You sit here and make exceptions and excuses for a group that posed and poses more of a threat to the United States than any other group on the planet today. And, ironically, (((they))) use other violent groups as proxy-warriors against us and our interests (think ISIS, Al-Qaeda, MS-13, etc).
Faggots like you will cry from the rooftops if someone quotes "Mein Kampf", but are dead-silent when another cultures texts call for more extreme violence and supremacy. Fucking poser…